Multiple modes of transportation that often serve complementary functions and create redundancy, adding to the inherent resilience in overall transportation networks. = 2 5/20 Four of the five preparedness mission areas are: Prevention, Protection, Response, and Recovery. In accordance with state law, may make, amend, or suspend certain orders or regulations associated with response efforts; Communicates to the public in an accessible manner (i.e., effective communications to address all members of the whole community), and helps people, businesses, and organizations cope with the consequences of and protective actions for any type of incident; Coordinates with tribal governments within the state; and. Objective: Provide structural, wildland, and specialized firefighting capabilities to manage and suppress fires of all types, kinds, and complexities while protecting the lives, property, and the environment in the affected area. Delegate responsibility for emergency management and typically are not involved in the incident response limited. The Secretary of Homeland Security is responsibility for coordinating Government response efforts. ESFs may be selectively activated for both Stafford Act and non-Stafford Act incidents and are assigned to support headquarters, regional, and field activities. Each of FEMAs 10 regional offices maintains a Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC). Emergency Support Function Annexes: Each ESF is described in an annex to the NRF which outlines the ESFs: Select this link to access the latest copies of the ESF Annexes. Energy The National Planning Frameworks, one framework for each mission area, discuss how whole community efforts build, sustain, and deliver these core capabilities. Under the Stafford Act Built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts identified in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Situational assessment, operational communications, and cybersecurity are core capabilities required for all five mission areas. Deliver enhanced information to reinforce ongoing lifesaving and life-sustaining activities, and engage governmental, private, and civic sector resources within and outside of the affected area to meet basic human needs, stabilize the incident, and transition to recovery. to supporting wildland, rural, and urban firefighting operations. ESF support agencies are those entities with specific capabilities or resources that assist the primary agency in executing the mission of the ESF. Under the direction of Incident Commanders, first responders begin critical lifesaving operations, while the local Emergency Operations Center, or EOC, provides support by assessing damage reports and obtaining needed resources. Is required in order for a jurisdiction to receive Federal assistance with mitigation initiatives. Other incidents may require additional support from neighboring jurisdictions or the state. . B. threats and other community goals? User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Protection capabilities include but are not limited to: defense againstweapons of mass destruction (WMD)threats; defense of agriculture and food; critical infrastructure protection; protection of key leadership and events; border security; maritime security; transportation security; immigration security; and cybersecurity. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Incident Command System? Which FEMA mitigation program assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures following certifies the State or tribal government and affected local governments are overwhelmed. Lets take a closer look at the mission areas. Effective recovery support also depends on successful information sharing between the ESFs and the six Recovery Support Functions (RSF) under the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF). It directly supports combatant commanders, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and the President in the command of U.S. Armed Forces in peacetime contingencies and war. Advises and assists the President in integrating all aspects of national security policy as it affects the United States. Planned events in Boston can attract crowds of 1 million or more participants and spectators, providing an optimal environment to test and improve disaster plans. Strategic Information and Operations Center, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, Economy Act or other applicable authorities. Response Core Capabilities describe the grouping of response actionsthe waysthat can be taken to stabilize and re-establish the lifelines. Threat and hazard analysis Conduct expanded or extended attack firefighting and support operations through coordinated response of fire management and specialized fire suppression resources. C. Rely on the expertise and resources of the Federal Government torebuildtheir communities in a safer, The first step in the Incident Response is to assess initial lifeline and lifeline component status and adjust stabilization targets for each lifeline. Coordination of Federal incident response is accomplished through Emergency Support Functions (ESFs). A local emergency manger is responsible for all of the following activities EXCEPT FOR: Planning A development firm worked with the Joplin City Council to attract private investors for reconstruction projects. The next lesson defines the response roles and responsibilities of the Response mission area. Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. D. Planning must be community based, representing the whole population and its needs. The seven community lifelines are listed below. Management The response protocols and structures described in the National Response Framework align with the NIMS, and all NIMS components support response. State resources. Utility companies teamed up to restore power more quickly to the area. , Facilitates the reestablishment of damaged energy systems and components, and provides technical View the National Incident Management System (NIMS) document ( When an incident may have been caused by an intentional act, response organizations coordinate closely with law enforcement agencies to attribute the cause and prevent additional follow-on instances. ESFs are organized groups of government and private-sector entities that provide personnel, supplies, facilities, and equipment. 2022. B. = 2 1/4. B. The Response FIOP goes into more depth than the National Response Framework on how Federal agencies work together on Response and how they support or complement activities that take place in the private sector and at other levels of government. Primary factors for disability integration in national policy include: DHS, through FEMA, is assigned disaster preparedness as a matter of national policy. The objective of the IS-0800.d, National Response Framework, is to offer guidance for the country as a whole. However, communications outages prevent them from accessing systems to process an electronic transaction. ( An EOC allows decision makers to operate in one place to coordinate and communicate with support staff. responders, governments at alllevels, and other agencies and organizations. For all incidents, Federal department and agency heads serve as advisors for the Executive Branch relative to their areas of responsibility. For example, the U.S. Secret Service is the lead agency for security design, planning, and implementation of National Special Security Events (NSSEs), while the Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications coordinates the response to significant cyber incidents. _____ is responsible for coordinating Federal resources that support State, local, tribal, range of incident management activities. B. D. Resource cataloging. Next, if needed, reassess lifeline status, which will lead back to establish incident priorities around unstable lifelines and components, and repeat the cycle during the incident response. A wide range of such centers maintain situational awareness within their functional areas and provide relevant information to the DHS National Operations Center (NOC). The emergency manager coordinates the local emergency management program. C. Effective partnership relies on engaging all elements of the . The five Mission Areas outlined in the National Response Framework are Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and ____________? Whatever structures are used, they are encouraged to work closely with Federal ESFs at the incident, regional, or headquarters levels if they are activated. NRF elements can be implemented at any time for any hazard, including the employment of Emergency Support Function (ESF) mechanisms. All Rights Reserved. What level of government has direct responsibility for the safety of its residents and direct knowledge of the A. Interagency activities Which of the following is a mission area? The NRCC: Select this link for additional information about the NRCC. The Response FIOP further defines the concepts, principles, structures, and actions introduced in the National Response Framework, with a focus on the Federal level. Each mission area has their own FIOP that describes how the federal government aligns resources and delivers that mission's core capabilities. Logistics Flexible B. Conduct public messaging on the status of available health and medical services or public health risks. A new concept to ensure that jurisdictions are prepared to response to human-caused incidents, such as This includes assessment of facilities that use, generate, and store hazardous substances, as well as specialized conveyance assets and efforts to identify, contain, and remove incident debris, pollution contaminants, oil or other hazardous substances. A. TRUE solely responsible for the protection of life and property. Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize communities, and meet basic human needs prior to an incident. A domestic incident may have international and diplomatic implications that call for coordination and consultation with foreign governments and international organizations. IS 1019 Codes and Standards Exam Questions, IS 238 Critical Concepts of Supply Chain Flow and Resilience Exam Questions, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Integrated Emergency Management Curriculum. This includes: Effective public information and warning is particularly important in dealing with incidents that start small but may evolve to have greater consequences. Select this link to access the EMAC Website, Select this link to access the Tribal Coordination Support Annex,, For more information click this link to refer to page 34 of the NRF. Concept of Operations, and Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities? Developing an Incident Action Plan that specifies tactics for first responders TRUE The National Preparedness Goal defines what it means for the whole community to be prepared for all types of disasters and emergencies. Mass Care Services Many of the 16 critical infrastructurewithin the protection mission area are also represented in the response mission area. However, Federal assistance under the Stafford Act is only available when the incident exceeds State, Tribal, and local resources. Since the CAG fits neatly into NIMS and the Incident Command System (ICS) under the Disability Integration Advisor, the information collected, analyzed, and reported is an integral part of a system already in place. FEMA has the latitude to access any resources within the Federal Government under certain conditions and specific circumstances. 37. Damage to bridges and public transportation systems essentially severs access to the hardest-hit areas. Lives were saved that day through the united efforts of diverse agencies, medical services, and individual community members. Many states create independent committees or councils focused on specific functions. B. Prioritize which members of the community will receive assistance if response and recovery resources are D. Comprehensive. within a jurisdiction. assistance. D. Incident Command System, 5. Overall leadership is provided by the Emergency Support Function Leaders Group. Table 1 below provides examples of scenarios in which specific Federal departments and agencies have the responsibility for coordinating response activities. Integrated emergency management is: Incidents should be managed at the highest jurisdictional level possible. A. Preparedness and Policing Responsibilities: Participation in the planning process helps to ensure that specific capabilities are integrated into a workable plan to safeguard the community. but are not limited to the following: stronger way following a disaster. 36. A Federal entity with primary responsibility and authority for handling an incident may request Federal assistance under the National Response Framework. It is important to remember that the overarching objective of Response activities is ensuring life safety, protecting property and the environment, stabilizing the incident, and providing for basic human needs. Services Sector). The goal of this course is to familiarize you with the National Response Framework and the ways it is applied in actual response situations. In the wake of continuing severe weather, a levee upstream gave way, and the flooding quickly expanded, affecting a huge area. Then list the Confederate states that were readmitted to the Union in 186818681868, the earliest year for any such state to gain readmission. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. and recovery efforts, Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC), Maintains situational awareness of criminal or terrorist threats, critical incidents, and crises--both foreign and domestic--regardless of cause or origin Establishing close working relationships, lines of communication, and coordination protocols between Protection, Prevention, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery organizations facilitates this process. Provides relief to survivors and help people prevent, prepare, and respond to emergencies, C. Provides volunteers with the proper training for emergency preparedness, D. Facilitates the identification of children and their reunification. The coordinating structures are designed to build on the capabilities and resources of partners from across the whole communitysome of whom may also participate in local or regional coordinating structures. Provides overall emergency management coordination Administered by the National Emergency Management Association, A way to streamline the interstate mutual aid and assistance process. At the local level, Incident Management coordination also includes Multiagency Coordination Groups (MAC Groups). This group is comprised of senior leaders representing State and Federal interests, and in certain circumstances Tribal governments, Local jurisdictions, the private sector, or nongovernmental organizations. FEMA IS 271.A: Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk, 2nd Edition Answers. Let's review some examples to explain how: Also, there are points where the response mission area crosses with other mission areas including: ( Comprehensive national incident logistics planning, management, and sustainment capability; and . Local and tribal government Under all five mission areas (Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery) there are a combined total of 32 core capabilities. Mobilize and deliver governmental, nongovernmental, and private sector resources to save lives, sustain lives, meet basic human needs, stabilize the incident, and transition to recovery, to include moving and delivering resources and services to meet the needs of disaster survivors. recover from a disaster or an incident. In addition to providing assistance to local, Tribal, and State governments, the National Response Framework allows for Federal-to-Federal support. A. Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Provides command, control, communications connectivity, and a common operating picture for managing FBI operational responses and assets anywhere in the world. Individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels of government should understand their respective roles and responsibilities and how to complement each other in achieving shared goals. . D. The Federal assistance available for major disasters is more limited than that which is available for More than 46,000 buildings, including 37 percent of area homes, have been destroyed. organize and strengthen theirassets, capacities, and interests. Despite many advances in treatment, acute MI still carries a mortality rate of 5-30%; the majority of deaths occur prior to. The primary focus of recovery is on the restoration of physical structures rather than returning economic Examples include all of the following EXCEPT: The response protocols and structures described in the National Response Framework align with the NIMS, and all NIMS components support response. The Attorney General approves requests submitted by state governors pursuant to the Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Act for personnel and other Federal law enforcement support during incidents. Which Response core capability involves providing life-sustaining and human services to the affected population, to include hydration, feeding, sheltering, temporary housing, evacuee support, reunification, and distribution of emergency supplies? organize and strengthen theirassets, capacities, and interests. Conduct search and rescue operations to locate and rescue persons in distress. In the event there are expenses recovered from the responsible party, those funds are equitably distributed. Now that you have a general understanding of National Preparedness doctrine and the context it provides for the Response mission area, lets take a closer look at the principles on which Response doctrine is based. Is A German Shepherd A Good Dog For Me Quiz? In order to help form a common operating picture of the incident and secure additional resources the Incident Commander relays requirements to: B. Provide public safety needed security at health and medical facilities or mobile teams delivering services. More information about whole community preparedness can be found in. Unified Coordination is typically directed from a Joint Field Office, or JFO. Knoxville, TN 37932 Phone: 865. Next, establish logistics and resource requirements. The mission areas are not sequential; activities from multiple mission areas can occur simultaneously . The emergency manager works with chief elected and appointed officials to establish unified objectives regarding the jurisdictions emergency plans and activities. D. Determine tactical objectives and direction for managing the incident. This is not an all-inclusive list. As part of these responsibilities, the Secretary of Homeland Security provides the Executive Branch with an overall architecture for domestic incident management. Protection of critical infrastructure systems and implementation of plans for the rapid restoration of commercial activities and critical infrastructure operations are crucial aspects of the protection mission area. 20/3 Local Coordinating Structures and Operational Planning, Local Coordinating Structure Audio Transcript, State Coordinating Structures and Operational Planning, State, Tribal, and Territorial Coordinating Structures, Introduction to Federal Operations Centers, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Integrated Operations Coordination Center (CIOCC). Work together to assess the needs of their respective communities and determine the best ways to. For an effective response, information must be provided to decision makers and the public efficiently, effectively, and in an accessible manner. Functions include but are not limited to the following: The National Response Framework provides structures for implementing nationwide response policy and operational coordination for all types of domestic incidents. Facilitation of the stabilization of systems and applications from cyber events. As the state begins to identify the range of its requirements for support, Federal departments and agencies activate their emergency response plans, surge their operations centers, and coordinate their activities through the regional and national coordination centers. One way to ensure this example is incorporated into planning is to establish a Core Advisory Group (CAG). Local governments manage the vast majority of incidents that occur each day. The National Mitigation Investment Strategy recommends actions for all national stakeholders involved in disaster resilience to reduce risks to and impacts on lifelines, buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems, and cultural, historic, and natural resources. Critical transportation; situation assessment; and mass care services, Interdiction and disruption; access control; and threats/hazards identification, Cybersecurity; community resilience; and housing, Public Health, Healthcare and Emergency Medical Services, On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement, The Strategic Information and Operations Center. The first principle, Engaged Partnership, means that leaders at all levels support engagement of the whole community by developing shared goals and aligning capabilities so that no one is overwhelmed in times of crisis. Integrate voluntary agency and other partner support, including other federal agencies and the private sector, to resource health and medical services and supplies. Critical Tasks: Mobilize all critical resources and establish command, control, and coordination structures within the affected community and other coordinating bodies in surrounding communities and across the Nation and maintain as needed throughout the duration of an incident. the coordination of response The state Emergency Management Agency may dispatch personnel to assist in the response and recovery effort. The President responds quickly to the Governors request and issues a major disaster declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act. Effective emergency response requires that the coordinating structures for response be able to link to and share information with those in the other mission areas. Functions include but are not limited to the following: Which of the following is part of the community lifelines that represent the most basic services a community relies on? Integrated A. Which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for federal disaster assistance? Objective: Deliver essential commodities, equipment, and services in support of impacted communities and survivors, to include emergency power and fuel support, as well as the coordination of access to community staples. Medical surge support, including patient movement; , Veterinary, medical, and public health services, Structural collapse (urban) search and rescue; , Maritime/coastal/waterborne search and rescue; and , Environmental assessment of the nature and extent of oil and hazardous materials contamination; and . These structures organize and integrate their capabilities and resources with neighboring jurisdictions, the state, the private sector, and Nongovernmental Organizations or NGOs. Recovery is primarily a responsibility of local government. D. Recovery. FEMA deploys an Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) to the state EOC and begins establishing the field structures that will ultimately become the Joint Field Office and will coordinate Federal response efforts in the field. Objective: Ensure a safe and secure environment through law enforcement and related security and protection operations for people and communities located within affected areas and also for response personnel engaged in lifesaving and life-sustaining operations. ESFs and other organizing bodiesthe meansare the way we organize across departments and agencies, community organizations, and industries to enhance coordination and integration to deliver the Response Core Capabilities. Community Emergency Response Teams are an example of: CommunitiesapplyNIMS principles to integrate response plans and resources across jurisdictions and departments, as well as with the private sector and NGOs. Focuses particularly on those sectors not currently aligned to other ESFs (e.g., the Financial = 15 ? Officials provide strategic guidance and resources across all five mission areas. Response doctrine defines basic roles, responsibilities, and operational concepts for Response across all levels of government and with the private sector and nongovernmental organizations. 20/3 Nothing in the National Response Framework precludes any Federal department or agency from executing its existing authorities. Each lesson overview will state the approximate length of the lesson. hurricane The Department of Defense NMCC is the nations focal point for continuous monitoring and coordination of worldwide military operations. Which of the folowing statements isFALSE? C. Planning is fundamentally a process to manage risk. It provides a road map for all types of disasters and emergencies from the smallest incident to the largest catastrophe. As events were unfolding during disaster response, there were rumors that needed to be verified regarding people with disabilities who lacked services and were unsafe. Which of the following presents an integrated set of guidance, programs, and processes that enables the The NIMS and the National Response Framework cover different aspects of incident managementthe NIMS is focused on tactical planning, and the National Response Framework is focused on coordination. C. Community Response System A guiding principle of the National Response Framework is that: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'quizaza_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quizaza_com-medrectangle-4-0');A basic premise of the National Response Framework is that: What is defined as enabling the continuous operation of critical government and business functions? Facilities or mobile teams delivering services coordinates the local emergency management agency may dispatch personnel to in! Local, tribal, and local resources Shepherd a Good Dog for Quiz... Of responsibility event there are expenses recovered from the smallest incident to the area Defense NMCC is the focal... Plans and activities representing the whole population and its needs aligns resources delivers... In an accessible manner managing the incident and secure additional resources the incident response is accomplished through emergency support (! 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