30. (f) A temporary acting officer has all the powers, privileges, and duties of the office and is entitled to the same compensation, payable in the same manner and from the same source, as the officer who is temporarily replaced. NO FORFEITURE OF RESIDENCE BY ABSENCE ON PUBLIC BUSINESS. Banks which are domiciled within a city lying in two or more counties may be permitted to establish and operate unmanned teller machines within both the city and the county of their domicile. "(7) THE LENDER MAY NOT UNILATERALLY AMEND THE TERMS OF THE LINE OF CREDIT. Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution, any entity created or directed to conduct this review and approval may include members, or appointees of members, of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of state government. RULES OF PROCEDURE; PUNISHMENT OR EXPULSION OF MEMBER. (c) No mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the homestead shall ever be valid unless it secures a debt described by this section, whether such mortgage, trust deed, or other lien, shall have been created by the owner alone, or together with his or her spouse, in case the owner is married. According to House rules adopted at the beginning of the regular session, two-thirds of the 150-member chamber must be present to conduct business. These nine members are voting members of the Commission. Whoever is comptroller is also the Speaker of the House. It is another name for a standing committee. Two-thirds of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each House may provide. (i) This subsection shall not affect or impair any right of the borrower to recover damages from the lender or assignee under applicable law for wrongful foreclosure. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the system of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits heretofore established in the constitution or by law for justices, judges, and commissioners of the appellate courts and judges of the district and criminal district courts is continued in effect. Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order cracking down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring . Sec. (d) The officer who is temporarily replaced under this section may recommend to the appropriate appointing authority the name of a person to temporarily fill the office. 1) (Added Aug. 24, 1935; amended Nov. 2, 1948, Nov. 7, 1972, and Nov. 2, 1999.) 49. 14, Art. "; (10) that does not permit the lender to commence foreclosure until the lender gives notice to the borrower, in the manner provided for a notice by mail related to the foreclosure of liens under Subsection (a)(6) of this section, that a ground for foreclosure exists and gives the borrower at least 30 days, or at least 20 days in the event of a default under Subdivision (6)(D)(iii) of this subsection, to: (A) remedy the condition creating the ground for foreclosure; (B) pay the debt secured by the homestead property from proceeds of the sale of the homestead property by the borrower or from any other sources; or, (C) convey the homestead property to the lender by a deed in lieu of foreclosure; and. Delivering a report on the condition of the state to the Legislature at the beginning of each . Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Summary The Administrative Office (AO), an agency of the judicial branch of the federal government, is committed to serving and supporting the federal court system of the United States. Last month, a delegation of Democratic state representatives and senators traveled to the U.S. Capital to advocate for a pair of federal bills. (c) In all counties, justice's precincts or incorporated towns or cities wherein the sale of intoxicating liquors had been prohibited by local option elections held under the laws of the State of Texas and in force at the time of the taking effect of Section 20, Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, it shall continue to be unlawful to manufacture, sell, barter or exchange in any such county, justice's precinct or incorporated town or city, any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or medicated bitters capable of producing intoxication or any other intoxicants whatsoever, for beverage purposes, unless and until a majority of the qualified voters in such county or political subdivision thereof voting in an election held for such purpose shall determine such to be lawful; provided that this subsection shall not prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages containing not more than 3.2 per cent alcohol by weight in cities, counties or political subdivisions thereof in which the qualified voters have voted to legalize such sale under the provisions of Chapter 116, Acts of the Regular Session of the 43rd Legislature. The comptroller has to certify the budget for every agency before the budget can be passed. (iii) the first anniversary of the closing date of any other extension of credit described by Subsection (a)(6) of this section secured by the same homestead property, except a refinance described by Paragraph (Q)(x)(f) of this subdivision, unless the owner on oath requests an earlier closing due to a state of emergency that: (a) has been declared by the president of the United States or the governor as provided by law; and. Sec. SIZE OF HOMESTEAD; USES; RELEASE OR REFINANCE OF EXISTING LIEN. COMPENSATION OF DISTRICT, COUNTY, AND PRECINCT OFFICERS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, AND PUBLIC WEIGHERS; SALARY OR FEE BASIS; DISPOSITION OF FEES. 19: See Appendix, Note 3.). State agencies may spend money accepted under this subsection, and no other money, for specific programs and projects to be conducted by local level or other private, nonsectarian associations, groups, and nonprofit organizations, in establishing and equipping facilities for assisting those who are blind, crippled, or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped in becoming gainfully employed, in rehabilitating and restoring the handicapped, and in providing other services determined by the state agency to be essential for the better care or treatment of the handicapped. Sec. DURATION OF MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE OFFICES. The United States Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (a) The homestead of a family, or of a single adult person, shall be, and is hereby protected from forced sale, for the payment of all debts except for: (1) the purchase money thereof, or a part of such purchase money; (3) an owelty of partition imposed against the entirety of the property by a court order or by a written agreement of the parties to the partition, including a debt of one spouse in favor of the other spouse resulting from a division or an award of a family homestead in a divorce proceeding; (4) the refinance of a lien against a homestead, including a federal tax lien resulting from the tax debt of both spouses, if the homestead is a family homestead, or from the tax debt of the owner; (5) work and material used in constructing new improvements thereon, if contracted for in writing, or work and material used to repair or renovate existing improvements thereon if: (A) the work and material are contracted for in writing, with the consent of both spouses, in the case of a family homestead, given in the same manner as is required in making a sale and conveyance of the homestead; (B) the contract for the work and material is not executed by the owner or the owner's spouse before the fifth day after the owner makes written application for any extension of credit for the work and material, unless the work and material are necessary to complete immediate repairs to conditions on the homestead property that materially affect the health or safety of the owner or person residing in the homestead and the owner of the homestead acknowledges such in writing; (C) the contract for the work and material expressly provides that the owner may rescind the contract without penalty or charge within three days after the execution of the contract by all parties, unless the work and material are necessary to complete immediate repairs to conditions on the homestead property that materially affect the health or safety of the owner or person residing in the homestead and the owner of the homestead acknowledges such in writing; and. (b) underdamping Which of the following is the best example of the Texas governor's military powers? a committee designed to make differing House and Senate versions of the same bill identical. 66 repealed Nov. 2, 1999; current Sec. Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, offer, give, or promise, any money or thing of value, testimonial, privilege or personal advantage, to any executive or judicial officer or member of the legislature to influence him in the performance of any of his public or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, and be punished in such manner as shall be provided by law. the regular session of the Legislature the various committees of each House shall hold hearings to consider all bills and resolutions and other matters then pending; and such emergency matters as may be submitted by the Governor. (a) This section applies to the following offices: District Clerks; County Clerks; County Judges; Judges of the County Courts at Law, County Criminal Courts, County Probate Courts and County Domestic Relations Courts; County Treasurers; Criminal District Attorneys; County Surveyors; County Commissioners; Justices of the Peace; Sheriffs; Assessors and Collectors of Taxes; District Attorneys; County Attorneys; Public Weighers; and Constables. SEPARATE AND COMMUNITY PROPERTY OF SPOUSES. On the grant date, Nichols stock was trading at $25 per share, and a fairvalue option-pricing model determines total compensation to be$400,000. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. It operated without electing a House Speaker. This subsection expands the authority of the Legislature with respect to certain conservation and reclamation districts and is not a limitation on the authority of the Legislature with respect to conservation and reclamation districts and parks and recreational facilities pursuant to this section as that authority existed before September 13, 2003. Absent without leave: Not present at a session without consent. As in the U.S. Congress, what is the purpose of a conference committee in the Texas legislature? "HOME EQUITY LOANS HAVE IMPORTANT CONSUMER PROTECTIONS. Prepare the necessary journal entries related to the stock option plan for the years 2016 through 2020. The Legislature may provide by law that the Board of Regents of the State University and boards of trustees or managers of the educational, eleemosynary, and penal institutions of the State, and such boards as have been, or may hereafter be established by law, may be composed of an odd number of three or more members who serve for a term of six (6) years, with one-third, or as near as one-third as possible, of the members of such boards to be elected or appointed every two (2) years in such manner as the Legislature may determine; vacancies in such offices to be filled as may be provided by law, and the Legislature shall enact suitable laws to give effect to this section. What is the Texas governor's greatest judicial power? A purchaser for value without actual knowledge may conclusively presume that a lien securing an extension of credit described by Subsection (a)(6) of this section was a valid lien securing the extension of credit with homestead property if: (1) the security instruments securing the extension of credit contain a disclosure that the extension of credit secured by the lien was the type of credit defined by Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution; (2) the purchaser acquires the title to the property pursuant to or after the foreclosure of the voluntary lien; and. TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT OF PUBLIC OFFICER ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. Sec. As of July 1 2022, 18 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico issue driver's licenses or permits to some or all of the population residing without inspection in the United States. special session (2) would have been eligible for those benefits, without accumulating additional service under the retirement system, on any date on or after the effective date of the change had the change not occurred. The Legislature shall also authorize the levy and collection within such districts of all such taxes, equitably distributed, as may be necessary for the payment of the interest and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of such bonds and for the maintenance of such districts and improvements. Each special law creating a conservation and reclamation district shall comply with the provisions of the general laws then in effect relating to consent by political subdivisions to the creation of conservation and reclamation districts and to the inclusion of land within the district. From the mobile device browser, enter www.txlegis.com. 2) "Constitutional president of the Senate" Think of per diem like overtime pay for state lawmakers, which covers things like food or housing. It establishes a date on which an agency is abolished unless the legislature passes a bill for the agency to continue in operation. The temporary acting representative or senator must be: (1) a member of the same political party as the member being temporarily replaced; and. (a) The legislature by law may establish a Texas product development fund to be used without further appropriation solely in furtherance of a program established by the legislature to aid in the development and production of new or improved products in this state. 4) constable. (2) all of the following conditions are met: (A) the refinance is not closed before the first anniversary of the date the extension of credit was closed; (B) the refinanced extension of credit does not include the advance of any additional funds other than: (i) funds advanced to refinance a debt described by Subsections (a)(1) through (a)(7) of this section; or. 18: See Appendix, Note 1. LIENS OF MECHANICS, ARTISANS, AND MATERIAL MEN. (B) for the purchase of homestead property that the borrower will occupy as a principal residence; (5) that does not permit the lender to reduce the amount or number of advances because of an adjustment in the interest rate if periodic advances are to be made; (6) that requires no payment of principal or interest until: (B) the homestead property securing the loan is sold or otherwise transferred; (C) all borrowers cease occupying the homestead property for a period of longer than 12 consecutive months without prior written approval from the lender; (C-1) if the extension of credit is used for the purchase of homestead property, the borrower fails to timely occupy the homestead property as the borrower's principal residence within a specified period after the date the extension of credit is made that is stipulated in the written agreement creating the lien on the property; or. No state bank shall be chartered until all of the authorized capital stock has been subscribed and paid in full in cash. REGULATION OF MIXED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS; LOCAL OPTION ELECTIONS; WINERIES. A LENDER MAY ONLY FORECLOSE A HOME EQUITY LOAN BASED ON A COURT ORDER. Which office is charged with ensuring the accuracy of official weights and measures? 2) PROTECTED BENEFITS UNDER CERTAIN PUBLIC RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. 1) 5) (v) A reverse mortgage must provide that: (1) the owner does not use a credit card, debit card, preprinted solicitation check, or similar device to obtain an advance; (2) after the time the extension of credit is established, no transaction fee is charged or collected solely in connection with any debit or advance; and. is formally chosen by a majority vote of the House membership at the opening of the legislative session, elected by the members of the House of Representatives. (iii) fails to maintain the priority of the lender's lien on the homestead property, after the lender gives notice to the borrower, by promptly discharging any lien that has priority or may obtain priority over the lender's lien within 10 days after the date the borrower receives the notice, unless the borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to the lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings so as to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the homestead property; or. Financing of benefits must be based on sound actuarial principles. media. l. Explain the relationship between ROI and ROE, and the concept of financial leverage. (3) the lender or holder may not unilaterally amend the extension of credit. (Former Sec. Draw new districts, boundaries that represented the population fairly the "one-person, one-vote" principle. 59: See Appendix, Note 1.). The state may contribute money, property, and other resources for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of veterans hospitals in this state. Subject to satisfactory . In the Texas legislature, all bills dealing with state revenue must, The requirements for holding office in the Texas legislature, One of the most notable effects of bicameralism in the Texas legislature is that it. Amended Nov. 6, 1894, and Nov. 2, 1982; Subsec. (a) All district officers in the State of Texas and all county officers in counties having a population of twenty thousand (20,000) or more, according to the then last preceding Federal Census, shall be compensated on a salary basis. 13 added Sept. 13, 2003.) Dual Office-Holding Restrictions. (1) The legislature shall establish by law a Teacher Retirement System of Texas to provide benefits for persons employed in the public schools, colleges, and universities supported wholly or partly by the state. Each political party uses a conference committee to develop their legislative strategy before each session. A resolution deals only with issues affecting local government, while a bill deals with the entire state. If the office of County Surveyor is abolished under this subsection, the maps, field notes, and other records in the custody of the County Surveyor are transferred to the county officer or employee designated by the Commissioners Court of the county in which the office is abolished, and the Commissioners Court may from time to time change its designation as it considers appropriate. Sec. Why did the Texas constitution establish a plural executive? During the remainder of the session the Legislature shall act upon such bills and Which of the following is not a legislative power of the Texas governor? 61. 16. (l) Advances made under a reverse mortgage and interest on those advances have priority over a lien filed for record in the real property records in the county where the homestead property is located after the reverse mortgage is filed for record in the real property records of that county. (c) amended Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. (e) Benefits granted to a retiree or other annuitant before the effective date of this section and in effect on that date may not be reduced or otherwise impaired. 5) Why is the comptroller of public accounts so important to the legislature? The power of the presidency has grown substantially [11] since the first president . (a) and (b) amended, Subsecs. 4) Wherever by virtue of Statute or charter provisions appointive offices of any municipality are placed under the terms and provisions of Civil Service and rules are set up governing appointment to and removal from such offices, the provisions of Article 16, Section 30, of the Texas Constitution limiting the duration of all offices not fixed by the Constitution to two (2) years shall not apply, but the duration of such offices shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Service law or charter provisions applicable thereto. (b) The legislature by law may establish a Texas small business incubator fund to be used without further appropriation solely in furtherance of a program established by the legislature to foster and stimulate the development of small businesses in the state. Citation refers to an article and section number of the United States Constitution. Texas Gov. It can be overturned only by a 2/3 majority of both houses. It is the committee that establishes the rules for floor debate in the House. (e) No law creating a conservation and reclamation district shall be passed unless, at the time notice of the intention to introduce a bill is published as provided in Subsection (d) of this section, a copy of the proposed bill is delivered to the commissioners court of each county in which said district or any part thereof is or will be located and to the governing body of each incorporated city or town in whose jurisdiction said district or any part thereof is or will be located. (2) A person may not receive benefits from more than one system for the same service, but the legislature may provide by law that a person with service covered by more than one system or program is entitled to a fractional benefit from each system or program based on service rendered under each system or program calculated as to amount upon the benefit formula used in that system or program. Needs a 100% yes vote to pass.

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