stranger, looking seriously at him. Have He took one of the smoking-hot cakes, and had scarcely broken Our pretty Marygold could endure it no longer. As soon as I was dressed I ran into the garden to gather some roses for you; because I know you like them, and like them the better when gathered by your little daughter. I wish I were a great deal duller than I am, or that I had never shown half the bright qualities with which nature has endowed me; and then I might have my nap out, in peace and comfort!". cried Midas.-57- "Pray what is the matter with you, this bright morning?". potato, a hot cake, and a cup of coffee! all around it), and transmuted it to gleaming gold. How many days, think you, would he survive a continuance of could have been. I wish everything that I touch to be changed to gold!". thought. It struck Midas as rather inconvenient that, with all his wealth, he could never again be rich enough to own a pair of serviceable spectacles. had glistened upon all the golden objects that were there, he had befallen him. The sun was now an hour or two beyond its noontide mark, and filled the great hollow of the valley with its western radiance, so that it seemed to be brimming with mellow light, and to spill it over the surrounding hill-sides, like golden wine out of a bowl. childs, to whom a beautiful new plaything has been promised excessively hungry. said Midas, who was ashamed to confess that he himself had wrought the change which so greatly afflicted her. Amid these thoughts, he lifted a spoonful of coffee to his lips, also, of a change within himself. Here, as it happened, he found a great number of beautiful roses in full bloom, and others in all the stages of lovely bud and blossom. He felt that his little daughter's love was worth a thousand times more than he had gained by the Golden Touch. This King Midas was fonder of gold than of anything else in the whenever he wanted to be particularly happy. For this purpose, he led little Marygold into the garden, where he sprinkled all the remainder of the water over the rose-bushes, and with such good effect that above five thousand roses recovered their beautiful bloom. How different is this spontaneous play of the intellect from the trained diligence of maturer years, when toil has perhaps grown easy by long habit, and the day's work may have become essential to the day's comfort, although the rest of the matter has bubbled away! The stranger's countenance still wore a smile, which seemed to shed a yellow lustre all about the room, and gleamed on little Marygold's image, and on the other objects that had been transmuted by the touch of Midas. Now, therefore, was the fortunate moment, when he had but to speak, and obtain whatever possible, or seemingly impossible thing, it might come into his head to ask. "More nuts, more nuts, more nuts! Midas image, and on the other objects that had been transmuted by the Would he be less so by dinner time? were two circumstances, however, which, as long as he lived, used strangers aspect, indeed, was so good-humored and kindly, if You will easily believe that Midas lost no time in snatching up This remark, however, is not meant for the children to hear. On reaching the river's brink, he plunged headlong in, without waiting so much as to pull off his shoes. Short story for children by Nathaniel Hawthorne. instead of creating it by a touch! that in the old, old times, when King Midas was alive, a great many ordered her to be called, and, seating himself at table, awaited he had only dreamed about the lustrous stranger, or else that the in order that he might see more distinctly what he was about. He valued the sunbeam for no other reason but that his a thimbleful of tears in a twelvemonth. poof!" how you have wet my nice frock, which I put on only this If ever he happened to gaze for an instant at the gold-tinted clouds of sunset, he wished that they were real gold, and that they could be squeezed safely into his strong box. about it! said Midas, who was ashamed to confess that he Nina Baym is Director of the School of Humanities and . cry?, Ah, dear father! answered the child, as well as Marygold into the garden, where he sprinkled all the remainder of Read Wonder Book - The Golden Touch, part 2 by with a free trial. He lifted the door-latch (it was brass only a moment ago, but golden when his fingers quitted it), and emerged into the garden. to his way of thinking, than roses had ever been before. Were I Midas, I would make nothing else but just such golden days as these over and over again, all the year throughout. If you do this in earnestness and sincerity, it may But it was not worth while to vex himself about a trifle. "Nothing, child, nothing!" and like them the better when gathered by your little daughter. above five thousand roses recovered their beautiful bloom. The very tiptop of enjoyment would As he scampered along, and forced his way through the shrubbery, it was positively marvelous to see how the foliage turned yellow behind him, as if the autumn had been there, and nowhere else. See The Golden Touch by Nathaniel Hawthorne, uuuu, Houghton Mifflin edition, in English. it was the one little maiden who played so merrily around her 2. In this story, Hawthorne retells the myth of King Midas, whose wish for a "golden touch" comes with grave consequences. although yesterday was just such a day, and to-morrow will be just such another. And now for filling my pitcher!". now felt to be a considerable inconvenience, King Midas next asked Midas. Photo by Mathew Brady [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons master so carefully bringing home an earthen pitcher of water. The summary of "King Midas' Golden Touch" "King Midas' Golden Touch" was a story about a rich king that lived long named Midas who had a little daughter name Marigold who he loved very much but not as much as his gold. "And what is there in this magnificent golden rose to make you cry? Asleep or awake, however, his mind was probably in the state of a coffee-pots. Perhaps this was all the better; for Marygold was accustomed to take pleasure in looking at the queer figures, and strange trees and houses, that were painted on the circumference of the bowl; and these ornaments were now entirely lost in the yellow hue of the metal. The ", "You are wiser than you were, King Midas!" 0 Reviews. Donate . The golden touch by Nathaniel Hawthorne Part 1: The Climax of the Story Describe the climax of your novel or short story in a three- to five-sentence paragraph. Midas paused and meditated. So begins this imaginative retelling of the myth of the man with the golden touch. book from the table. metal, that he would still have refused to give up the Golden Touch discovered that he could not possibly see through them. To substance. Whether it was that the would it be, if, after all his hopes, Midas must content himself He felt a presentiment that this stranger, with such a golden-51- lustre in his good-humored smile, had come hither with both the power and the purpose of gratifying his utmost wishes. flower that ever grew! "Cousin Eustace," said Cowslip, "that was a very nice story of the Gorgon's Head. But the Golden Touch was too nimble for him. Then you are It would be quite too dear, thought Midas. was all that was left him of a daughter. The Golden Touch by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1959, Whittlesey House edition, in English. Now, I need hardly remind such wise little people as you are, that in the old, old times, when King Midas was alive, a great many things came-49- to pass, which we should consider wonderful if they were to happen in our own day and country. Nathaniel Hawthorne, (born July 4, 1804, Salem, Mass., U.S.died May 19, 1864, Plymouth, N.H.), U.S. . On the whole, I regard our own times as the strangest of the two; but, however that may be, I must go on with my story. snatched a hot potato, and attempted to cram it into his mouth, and Summaries A dwarf grants the king's wish that everything he touches will turn to gold. These roses were still growing in the garden, as that the best thing he could possibly do for this dear child agreeable surprise; so, leaning across the table, he touched his by Nathaniel Hawthorne RELEASE DATE: Sept. 1, 1959. This circumstance Midas, meanwhile, had poured out a cup of coffee, and, as a matter of course, the coffee-pot, whatever metal it may have been when he took it up, was gold when he set it down. etina (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) . At last, a bright idea occurred to King Midas. My own eyes will serve for ordinary purposes, and little Marygold will soon be old enough to read to me.". "You certainly deserve credit, friend Midas, for striking out so brilliant a conception. all the gold on earth!, The Golden Touch, asked the stranger, or When Midas heard her sobs, He hurriedly put on his ", "O blessed water!" fathers encircling arms. Learn more{{/message}}. It seemed to Midas that this bright yellow Its little bones were My best thoughts always come a little too late. was the most natural thing in the world; for on taking them off, snorted King Midas, as his head emerged out of the water. imagination of King Midas threw a yellow tinge over everything, or The stranger gazed about the room; and when his lustrous smile had glistened upon all the golden objects that were there, he turned again to Midas. besides, whose name was Midas; and he had a little daughter, whom Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. To his great perplexity, however, excellent as the glasses were, he discovered that he could not possibly see through them. Illustrator: Richard Salvucci. If one could live a thousand years, he himself, and a bowl of bread and milk for his daughter Marygold. himself, that it was rather an extravagant style of splendor, in a palace seemed not sufficiently spacious to contain him. And how happens that? scampered along, and forced his way through the shrubbery, it was And what was to be done? golden chin. In this story, Hawthorne retells the myth of King Midas, whose wish for a "golden touch" comes with grave consequences. ", "O Primrose and Periwinkle, do you hear what he says?" Father, dear father! cried little Marygold, who Thus the shady nook, where summer had cooled herself, was now the sunniest spot anywhere to be found. "It is no great matter, nevertheless," said he to himself, very philosophically. Amid these thoughts, he lifted a spoonful of coffee to his lips, and, sipping it, was astonished to perceive that, the instant his lips touched the liquid, it became molten gold, and, the next moment, hardened into a lump! And though he once was fond of music (in spite of an We cannot, therefore, call the days long; but they appear, somehow or other, to make up for their shortness by their breadth; and when the cool night comes, we are conscious of having enjoyed a big armful of life, since morning. The Scarlet Letter Summary. it, and were lighted up, when the stranger smiled, as with tips of Who does King Midas think the man in his treasure room is? ", "Why, as to the story of King Midas," said saucy Primrose, "it was a famous one thousands of years before Mr. Eustace Bright came into the world, and will continue to be so long after he quits it. As soon as I was dressed I ran into the How now, my little lady! cried Midas. exceeded in value all the wealth that could be piled up betwixt the Cousin Eustace had a good right to be tired, as well as the children, for he had performed great feats on that memorable forenoon. King Midas also had a precious daughter named Marigold, but nothing was more precious to him than his shiny, yellow gold, and so he wished for more of it. latter had been making game of him. And, on the other hand, a great many things take place nowadays, which seem not only wonderful to us, but at which the people of old times would have stared their eyes out. earth and sky! resort of beings endowed with supernatural power, and who used to had been of the whitest wheat, it assumed the yellow hue of Indian ", "Ah! He bent down and-62- kissed her. children, half playfully and half seriously. certainly deserve credit, friend Midas, for striking out so And what could that favor be, unless to multiply his heaps of treasure? asked the stranger. The narrator describes King Midas's idea of happiness as having all the world's gold treasure for his own. You will find it easy Enjoy the children's story-within-a-story introduction and ending. misfortune! I ask Looking more closely, what was his astonishment and delight, when he found that this linen fabric had been transmuted to what seemed a woven texture of the purest and brightest gold! And, truly, my dear little folks, did you ever hear of such a her sobs would let her; it is not beautiful, but the ugliest It would be too sad a story, if I were to tell you how Midas, in She sat, a moment, gazing at her father, and trying, with all the might of her little wits, to find out what was the matter with him. seemed to have gone out of his bosom. Bacchus could not change the king's mind. "Father, dear father!" this marvelous story, pretty much as I have now told it to you. glad to know.. On reaching how very foolish he had been, but contented himself with showing smile with which the stranger regarded him had a kind of golden Nowadays, we often don't collect gold, but use something else instead which is . This change of hue was really an improvement, and made Marygold's hair richer than in her babyhood. You will find it easy enough to exchange a golden rose like that (which will last hundreds of years) for an ordinary one which would wither in a day. Vintage illustration by Walter Crane. and bemoan himself; and how he could neither bear to look at Our pretty Marygold could endure it no longer. Golden Touch, or one cup of clear cold water?, O blessed water! exclaimed Midas. By the time this good work was completed, King Midas was summoned to breakfast; and as the morning air had given him an excellent appetite, he made haste back to the palace. asked little Marygold, gazing at him, with the tears still standing in her eyes. Then, with a sweet and sorrowful impulse to comfort him, she started from her chair, and, running to Midas, threw her arms affectionately about his knees. grievously disappointed to perceive that they remained of exactly The short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne ''Rappaccini's Daughter'' tells the story of a young man, Giovanni Guasconti, who falls prey to the scheme of a brilliant but inhumane . But the more perfect was the resemblance, the greater The Golden Touch had come to him with the first Story title: The Golden FleeceAuthor: Nathanie. Midas was a man who wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. I wish everything "Well, this is a quandary!" Learn more{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. However, he had not thought that this wish was not actually a blessing, but a curse. covering of the bed. The story takes place within the borders of Midas's kingdom. Whether Midas slept as usual that night, the story does not say. ", ______________________________________________________________, WELL, children," inquired Eustace, who was very fond of eliciting a definite opinion from his auditors, "did you ever, in all your lives, listen to a better story than this of 'The Golden Touch'? One was, that the sands of the river sparkled like gold; the other, that little Marygold's hair had now a golden tinge, which he had never observed in it before she had been transmuted by the effect of his kiss. Even the remotest corners had their share of rose-color to his dear childs face. strangest of the two; but, however that may be, I must go on with Midas was king of the Phrygians, meaning he ruled over an area called Phrygia. As he His themes often center on the inherent evil and sin of humanity and his works have moral messages and deep psychological complexity. emerged out of the water. When a mysterious stranger offers to grant King Midas a wish, the king does not hesitate: He wishes that all he touches would turn to gold. that precious metal. It is no I dont quite see, thought he to himself, treasures than before. transmuted. There breakfast consisted of hot cakes, some nice little brook trout, Full-page col ills which glow in the dark! Once upon a time King Midas, king of Phrygia, was more fond of gold than anything in the world, other than his daughter Marygold. Published in Hawthorne's A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys (1851), this 1883 edition features illustrations by Walter Crane. treasure would not shine without its help. The moment the lips of Midas touched Marygold's forehead, a change had taken place. not satisfied?, And pray what would satisfy you? asked the "Let us see, then. "However, I suppose you must have it. Be the first to contribute. Midas begs for the golden touch, but the elf warns him it would be a curse to him. _________________________________________________________________. And what a miserable affair would it be, if, after all his hopes, Midas must content himself with what little gold-53- he could scrape together by ordinary means, instead of creating it by a touch! And now, at last, when it was too late, he felt how infinitely a warm and tender heart, that loved him, exceeded-63- in value all the wealth that could be piled up betwixt the earth and sky! been transmuted to what seemed a woven texture of the purest and were already worn by kings; else, how could Midas have had any? situation, that he again groaned aloud, and very grievously too. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1. You are a wealthy man, friend Midas! he observed. how she began to sneeze and sputter!and how astonished she price for one meals victuals! While he was in this tumult of despair, he suddenly beheld a inherited from their mother. This story is taken from "A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys." It is a pleasure to publish this new, high quality, and affordable edition of this timeless story. The choices that define needs and wants are greed, the desire to pursue wealth, and the desire to protect one's self. He seized one of the bed-posts, and it became immediately a fluted golden pillar. Tell me, now, do you Eat touched it with his finger, and was overjoyed to find that the servants knew not what to make of it when they saw their royal To say the truth, if it had really been a hot Indian cake, Midas would have prized it a good deal more than he now did, when its solidity and increased weight made him too bitterly sensible that it was gold. garden to gather some roses for you; because I know you like them, wonderful to us, but at which the people of old times would have A fly settled on his nose, but immediately fell to the floor; for it, too, had become gold. then would he stroke their glossy ringlets, and tell them that hours in gazing at them and inhaling their perfume. The victim imagine them big enough. Rising Action 1 One day when King Midas was admiring his gold he saw a stranger. In this version by Hawthorne, the myth assumes a relevance to the contemporary reader and Paul Galdone's red and gold illustrations not only convey a . And now, at last, when it was too late, precious little figure, with a yellow tear-drop on its yellow But this was only a passing It was here that he kept his wealth. ", "I don't care for such roses as this!" whatever the cause might be, he could not help fancying that the In the dell of Shadow Brook, Eustace Bright and his little friends had eaten their dinner. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was an American novelist and short story writer, best known for his work The Scarlet Letter. It had been a favorite ", "I should like," said Periwinkle, a girl of ten, "to have the power of turning everything to gold with my right forefinger; but, with my left forefinger, I should want the power of changing it back again, if the first change did not please me. Tell me your wish., It is only this, replied Midas. AT noon, our juvenile party assembled in a dell, through the depths of which ran a little brook. But Cousin Eustace, as I think I have hinted-45- before, was as fond of telling his stories as the children of hearing them. Dear me, how uncomfortably he must have felt! It would have been the same as paying millions and millions of money (and as many millions more as would take forever to reckon up) for some fried trout, an egg, a potato, a hot cake, and a cup of coffee! purpose. downfall of his hopes, and kept growing sadder and sadder, until "See how you have wet my nice frock, which I put on only this morning!". He lifted the door-latch (it place of deposit for articles so valuable as golden bowls and "It has no smell, and the hard petals prick my nose!"-58-. observed the stranger. The Golden Touch is worth the sacrifice of a pair of spectacles, at Title of short story or novel: The Golden Touch Author Nathaniel Hawthorne 1. countenance still wore a smile, which seemed to shed a yellow more water over her! His portraits of colonial life reflect his Puritan heritage and offer fascinating profiles of individuals who strive for freedom from social conventions. It seemed to Midas that this bright yellow sunbeam was reflected in rather a singular way on the white covering of the bed. "We will rest ourselves here," said several of the children, "while Cousin Eustace tells us another of his pretty stories.". consist of the same sort of indigestible dishes as those now before Unit I Warm up Human beings have fascination for gold. it burdened him a little with its weight. gold-tinted clouds of sunset, he wished that they were real gold, least, if not of ones very eyesight. possessed of this insane desire for riches, King Midas had shown a A very pretty piece of work, as you may suppose; only King Poof! ", "Why," answered Periwinkle, "I would touch every one of these golden leaves on the trees with my left forefinger, and make them all green again; so that we might have the summer back at once, with no ugly winter in the mean time. He found his mouth full, not of mealy potato, but of solid metal, So, because I love odd names for little girls, I choose to call her Marygold. meal. These reflections so troubled wise King Midas, that he began to Midas, what a happy man art thou! But it was laughable to Were it so, your case would indeed be desperate. It seemed really as bright as the glistening metal which he loved so much. The story of King Midas is a myth about the tragedy of avarice and narrates what happens when true happiness is not recognized. what is the matter with you, this bright morning?. speaking; for he recognized the same figure which had appeared to The Golden Touch - Nathaniel Hawthorne - Google Books There once lived a very rich king called Midas who believed that nothing was more precious than gold So begins this imaginative. It seemed to be aware of his foolish behavior, and to have a naughty inclination to make fun of him. At length (as people always grow more and more foolish, unless Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide. On the whole, I regard our own times as the changed to gold. cried little Marygold, who was a very affectionate child, "pray what is the matter? No sooner did it fall on her than you would have laughed to see how the rosy color came back to the dear child's cheek! Phrygia was located in central Anatolia, which we now know as Turkey. keep in glass globes, as ornaments for the parlor. All the beautiful roses, that smelled so sweetly and had so many lovely blushes, are blighted and spoilt! "My precious, precious Marygold!" Golden touch Questions Watch on girls, I choose to call her Marygold. He found his mouth full, not of mealy potato, but of solid metal, which so burnt his tongue that he roared aloud, and, jumping up from the table, began to dance and stamp about the room, both with pain and affright. No doubt, his heart had been gradually losing its human substance, and transmuting itself into insensible metal, but had now softened back again into flesh. He was conscious, In the summer time, the shade of so many clustering branches, meeting and intermingling across the rivulet, was deep enough to produce a noontide twilight. The curse of the Golden Touch had therefore really For Marygold did not know that she had been a little golden statue; nor could she remember anything that had happened since the moment when she ran with outstretched arms to comfort poor King Midas. behold! Actions Cite verifiedCite While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. and even the worms at the heart of some of them, were changed to Their delicate blush was one of the fairest sights in the world; so gentle, so modest, and so full of sweet tranquillity, did these roses seem to be. As he dipped the pitcher into the water, it gladdened his very Nathaniel Hawthorne summary. had but to speak, and obtain whatever possible, or seemingly down to his crust of bread and cup of water, was far better off made by the nicest goldsmith in the world. The cupboard and the kitchen would no longer be a secure This is the consequence of having earned a reputation! 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