By the last recruitment round, PNMs will have the opportunity to receive a membership invitation from up to three of our IFC chapters with membership invitation acceptances on the last day of recruitment. See the Academic Calendar for the last possible day to register or to add classes. Therefore, your presence in a class will be documented by the instructor through taking roll or by use of attendance ID scanners. These students will not need to schedule an appointment ahead of time. If this percentage is more than 60 percent, no paybacks will be processed. 0000004452 00000 n
These bills will be emailed to your UM issued email address. %PDF-1.5
These values have guided our fraternity system to become one of the premier Greek communities in the nation. 0000041708 00000 n

Buy or Sell Ole Miss Tickets. Dining Services/Ole Miss Bookstore Student Union 323 1:45-2:25p Campus Safety Inn at Ole Miss Ballroom 2:30-3:10p Student Panel Inn at Ole Miss Ballroom 3:15-4:05p Coaching from the Sidelines Inn at Ole Miss Ballroom 4:10-4:50p Student Services Networking Inn at Ole Miss Ballroom 5:00-7:00p Dinner & Breakout Options* Rebel Market, Student Union One of the greatest benefits that our community offers is personal and professional development.
If the records are not subject to disclosure under FERPA, the university will provide the student with an explanation for the non-disclosure. Some scholarships and grants (Academic Excellence, Academic Merit, MTAG, etc.) With nearly 6,500 affiliated students, representing individuals from across the country and around the world, we are a robust community of engaged scholars, leaders and community servants. Special rules apply for Federal Pell, SEOG, and TEACH grants because the award amounts are based on your enrollment level. Any previously disbursed aid may have to be adjusted, which may mean reduced aid amounts and/or paybacks. For more information, please visit the Go To Class website. 0000012194 00000 n
Failure to pay in full by 10/15 results in a hold being placed on the account. In addition to administration & planning, community member & council development, and leadership education, Fraternity & Sorority Life provides advising to all three governing councils & two honor societies, house director support & training, chapter adviser support, intentional educational programming, and recruitment & intake management. An official withdrawal is defined as dropping all credit hours down to zero during the course of a semester or term, which provides formal notification that attendance has ceased. Whether you are a parent, a prospective member, or a current member of our community, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at with any questions, concerns, or input that you may have. Because Financial Aid rolls mini-sessions (also known as modules) into a combined term for Fall (Fall 1, Fall 2, and the regular full-length Fall Semester), Spring (Winter Intersession plus Spring 1, Spring 2, and the regular Spring Semester) and Summer (May Intersession, First Summer, Full Summer, Second Summer, and August Intersession), withdrawal also occurs when a student completes one or more modules but fails to enroll in a subsequent module where attendance had been expected (and aid had been awarded on that basis). Median Chapter size). These persons are those who have responsibilities in connection with campus academic, administrative or service functions and who have reason for using student records connected with their campus or other related academic/administrative responsibilities as opposed to a personal or private interest. All students should be aware that withdrawing can adversely affect financial aid eligibility. Look for interest meeting notices posted around the Student Union. Note that this policy also applies to online classes, semester-based independent study courses, thesis/dissertation hours, labs, Study Abroad, and internships although the methods of attendance collection are modified. 0000013187 00000 n
), The right to control the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their records to third parties. Round Three consists of extended visits of up to 6 IFC fraternities meant to provide an insight into each fraternity's brotherhood. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. We look forward to seeing you this fall! Students can formally withdraw from the university online at, or they can provide written notification either via fax, mail, or in person to the Office of the Registrar. Students in the School of Journalism and New Media will be advised by a faculty member. 1 reason people choose not to join a fraternity or sorority is because they did not get invited back to their first or only choice. Since then, there has been a strong tradition of excellence in our community that is apparent across our campus. Parents & Families. Some groups have higher GPA requirements. 0000011209 00000 n
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Prices vary between $150 - $200 based on registration date. This does not, however, apply to the chapters individual requirements to extent a bid. As President, I plan to work hard to create new opportunities for our members, foster lasting positive relationships between our chapters and University offices, and continue to improve our fraternity system as a whole. A monthly service fee (1.5%) will be assessed on charges that are unpaid by the payment due date. Most organizationswill require some mandatory study halls and new member meetings. :
Likewise, dont listen to actives who criticize other chapters. It has been the recent national trend among all groups to initiate after eight weeks of new member period. The right to seek correction of records that are believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the students privacy rights. Select a School .
Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is an informal recruitment process that Panhellenic sororities use to recruitment new members outside of the designated primary recruitment period to reach quota and/or Panhellenic Total (i.e. This due date remains the same for all of the registration periods (Phases 1, 2 and 3). (Shorter time frames apply for mini-terms like Winter Intersession and summer sessions). Potential New Members (PNMs) will move in a week early to accommodate for the date changes. The Office of Financial Aid can provide guidance in those cases. Those eight groups represented at the University of Mississippiare Alpha Phi Alpha Inc., Kappa Alpha Psi Inc., Omega Psi Phi Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Inc.,Sigma Gamma Rho Inc., Iota Phi Theta Inc. and Zeta Phi Beta Inc. Sororities affiliated with the NPC are Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi), Alpha Omicron Pi (AOPi), Alpha Phi (APhi), Chi Omega (Chi O), Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delta), Delta Gamma (DG), Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta), Kappa Delta (KD), Kappa Kappa Gamma (Kappa), Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi). Our Panhellenic community consists of approximately 4,900 women across 11 NPC organizations. Stay positive and dont criticize other potential new members. Beginning on that date, each transaction (each drop and each add) will incur a charge of $10, which will be added to the students account with the bursar (student billing and receivables). If you choose to join a Panhellenic sorority, you will not only join an individual chapter, but also an entire community of women who are dedicated to academic excellence, sisterhood, and philanthropic service. If applicable, students may contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine the 60 percent point for their period of attendance.). Use this link to find locations for computers available to the public. Attendance Required. Go to the Registrar website and click on Final Exam Schedules to see the final exam schedule for Fall 2021.
Women who have below a 3.0 GPA are advised to participate in the Formal Recruitment process the following year after taking a year to get acclimated to the university and achieve higher grades. 218 Student Union Drive, Suite D, University, MS 38677.
Support Ole Miss; Research; Libraries; International; Athletics; Community & Service; The University of Mississippi. The following is a guide to help you better understand the different social Greek letter organizations at Ole Miss. The No. What made Ole Miss decide to follow the more traditional recruitment schedule this year? Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisory Board, 218 Student Union Drive, Suite D, University, MS 38677, IFC Fraternity Formal Recruitment Registration, NPHC Greek Forum Registration and Intake Information, Panhellenic Primary Sorority Recruitment Registration, Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Project Request Submission, North-American Interfraternity Conference. 0000009438 00000 n
SPECIAL NOTE: If you enrolled in an ONLINE course, you are responsible for checking your Ole Miss email account for information about accessing the class. Students are processed as schedule cancellations (if never attended) or as unofficial withdrawals (if attended at least once, but then abandoned all courses without officially withdrawing). hb```a``} @16,mJRGV:XTN4lO-'K?tHl>%cj2%ul2mv-_P3*{U.&Rmo93)xt@@T*D2o1 Welcome to the University of Mississippi! GPA is only one of those factors; however, significant weight is placed on GPA. 0000008826 00000 n
Follow @UnivMissIFC on Twitter, Facebook & Instagramfor updates regarding the 2022 Formal Recruitment Process! 2022 Formal Recruitment Dates: August 26, 2022-September 2, 2022 | *Registration is now open & will close on August 22, 2022 at 8pm CST. Arguably one of the best Recruitment experiences in the nation is at Ole Miss. You must be registered online to participate in Panhellenic or IFC formal recruitment. School or college, classification (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student), dates of attendance, awards, degrees and honors, date graduated, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. For schedule cancellations (prior to the beginning of the semester or term), the student account will be charged back in full for all disbursed aid so that it can be returned to the source. Students may also electronically allow the release of their educational records on an ongoing basis (such as to parents or guardians) through MyOleMiss. Select course schedule. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Direct Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Loan, Federal Direct PLUS Loan (for graduate students), Federal Direct PLUS Loan (borrowed on the students behalf), Fall term only: October 22, First Fall Term only: September 18, Second Fall Term only: November 14, Federal Direct PLUS loans (borrowed on the students behalf). Letters of recommendation must be sent to thechapter addresseslisted within the Panhellenic website, not Fraternity & Sorority Life. 0000003089 00000 n
You will still be responsible for your tuition and fees. There is a charge for any schedule adjustment made after the last official day to add or drop classes. Go and select Guest Access, or sign in using your Ole Miss WebID. Remember, the group you decide to join is going to be the best on campus. During the fall term, students may add courses through the fifth day in which classes meet. Option 1: Pay balances in full by the due date of August 15. Students may contact the Office of the Registrar at any time to make this request; however, the university is not responsible for disclosures of directory information made prior to a students notifying the Registrar of his or her decision to opt out. 10-14, locations for computers available to the public, Enrollment and Degree Verification/Letter of Academic Standing, Center for Student Success & First Year Experience. As you begin to make decisions about the right path for you, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with Greek life here at the University of Mississippi. The student (or parent, in the case of a PLUS loan) must repay the amount of unearned SFA remaining after the university has returned its share. 0000041611 00000 n
The university is authorized to disclose to the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense the final results of the disciplinary proceeding conducted by the university with respect to that alleged crime or offense. Click here for the 2022 College Panhellenic Primary Recruitment Guide. 0000001779 00000 n
Before the University of Mississippi can calculate any tuition/fee refunds to a student under the institutional refund policy (see the Academic Calendar for this policy, which is administered by the Office of the Bursar), the Office of Financial Aid must determine whether any financial aid funds should be paid back. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to cancel a students registration for nonpayment of tuition and fees for a previous enrollment period. To meet this requirement, Financial Aid has created a term-based report that identifies all students who received federal aid and posted all F, W and/or I grades. 0000001396 00000 n
STAY IN . Phase 2 registration. 0000012937 00000 n
All courses must be verified. 0000014494 00000 n
Greek Forum for NPHC is a requirement if you would like to go through Intake in a particular semester. The cost for Greek Forum is $20. 0000006965 00000 n
All three are the governing bodies of the fraternities and sororities at the University of Mississippi affiliated with the IFC, NPC and NPHC. This community has provided me with the connections and skills necessary to get involved within our numerous student organizations and ascend into leadership roles across our campus. (Please note: Some academic programs hold classes on a different calendar from the traditional term. Recruitment Registration Fee May 1st - May 9th: $150 May 10th - June 30th: $175 July 1st - August 22nd: $200 Grade Requirement 218 Student Union Drive, Suite D, University, MS 38677, North-American Interfraternity Conference. You may pay your account or change your billing address online at For additional information about disclosures not requiring consent, such as disclosures to government agencies, see 34 C.F.R. Less stress during the semester and more events together :), You would think someone at a different SEC school would have enough to do beside worrying about what Ole Miss is doing. Dates for schedule adjustment (drop/add) are listed in the Academic Calendar. Being a member of this community has had an incredibly positive impact on my college experience. Posted By: Bid day Aug 20, 2021 7:03:46 AM Because of these reasons, we are proud to report that our council GPA is consistently higher than the campus-wide GPA. L. 90-247, Title IV, as Amended). About Us. You must be registered with Fraternity & Sorority Life to participate. Certain educational records are considered directory information. Directory information may be disclosed by the university without a students consent unless the student has opted out of such disclosures (see below). Option 2: Spread balances over the semester and make payments on August 15, September 15, and October 15. Students who wish to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education can send the complaint to Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202.
Sorry I didnt think this would offend anyone! My name is Ashton William Heath, and I have the honor of serving as the IFC President to our sixteen chapters and roughly 2,800 gentlemen. Registration for 2022 Formal Recruitment is available online at beginning May 1, 2022, and includes a non-refundable registration fee. Each house visit lasts 30 minutes. For example, if Alpha Alpha Alpha sorority has 395 members for the semester and Chapter Total is 400 . In addition, any aid that was based on the level of enrollment (full-time, -time, -time, or less than -time) may have to be reduced.
The school announced Friday that Kermit Davis had been fired. Our Panhellenic community consists of approximately 4,900 women across 11 NPC organizations. No Attendance F No attendance was ever confirmed for this course. Full payment of tuition and fees is due on the following date: Fall, First Fall, and Second Fall Terms: August 15, 2021 (See below for payment plan information). The dates for Phase 3 are as follows: Fall term: August 23, 2021 - September 3, 2021. 2023 College Panhellenic Council President, Fall 2023 Sorority Recruitment Registration, 218 Student Union Drive, Suite D, University, MS 38677, Spring 2023 Continuous Open Bidding (COB), North-American Interfraternity Conference. With engagement in various student organizations and numerous philanthropies, we aim for our members to become stewards of their resources and to invest in things they are passionate about. Documented by the instructor through taking roll or by use of attendance. ) SEOG, and TEACH because. 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