These barriers appear when, for example, individuals look for housing, pursue careers in education or healthcare, want to coach a sports team, adopt a child or care for their grandparent. The council also says that children often misunderstand their gender identity and are likely to regret their decision to get irreversible treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgery. WHO IS OPPOSEDSome environmental justice groups, the city and county where UC Santa Cruz is located, a town adjacent to UC Santa Barbara and three state Democrats who cast the only dissenting votes against the bill. Gavin Newsom pushed legislators in mid-August to help meet the states carbon-neutral goals. Newsom signed the bill on Sept. 27, as part of a package of legislation on equity for women. #1: SB 1383-CalRecyle The law, passed in 2016, took effect on January 1st and 2022: New food-related laws take effect in California Read . Assembly Bill 890, which passed in 2020, and allows nurse practitioners to practice independently. SB 65, the California Momnibus Actby Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) will go into effect in August 2022, helping tackle racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes by improving research and data collection. The California State Association of Counties, which initially opposed the measure, dropped their opposition after slowing down the timeline and receiving an additional $57 million to put it in place. The bill authorizes the attorney general to seek a court order to stop violations, and courts to impose a penalty of as much as $10,000 for first violations and $1,000 for each subsequent violation. Newsom signed these and other climate bills on Sept. 16. Several advocacy organizations for nursing home residents, including the California Association of Long Term Care Medicine, support this bill. Senate Bill 1137 would prohibit new oil and gas wells or extensive retrofitting of existing operations within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, nursing homes and hospitals. AB 2091, by Democratic Assemblymember Mia Bonta of Oakland, prohibits medical providers, health insurers and prison staff from disclosing abortion-related medical records to out-of-state law enforcement officials who seek to use that information to prosecute an individual for getting an abortion. Newsom signed this and other climate bills on Sept. 16. By clicking subscribe, you agree to the Terms. A law requiring a 1,200 foot space between oil and gas wells and community areas will go into effect on Jan. 1. The bill by Democratic Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los Angeles would require judges to balance the value of the evidence with the undue prejudice and racial bias possible when that evidence is presented to a jury. On Jan. 1, the minimum wage in California will increase to $15.50 an hour. Legiscan confirms House Bill 1667 is a bill that requires the Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to healthcare entities such as hospitals, professional associations in the medical field . The Governor vetoed 169 bills, saving the state billions in taxpayer dollars. The Assembly bill, which razes more neighborhood forums, has a longer list of opponents. If at least two union shops dont bid on the project, union-level wages kick in. Here are ten significant US laws that were passed so far in 2022. That means [cyclists] get a little bit of a head start to get through the intersection, which are the most dangerous places for [them], Banks said. Lawmakers will have to approve spending of state funds in excess of $600 million. He was sentenced to life in prison. SB 1 by Senator Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) Coastal resources: sea level rise. Last year, pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. hit a four-decade high, and California recorded the highest number of any state. Supporters say few low-income workers can afford the 30% to 40% pay cut to take time off for a disability or to care for a new child or sick family member. Inmates who have attempted, or succeeded in, murdering their cellmates would be let right back into the population they pose a risk to.. And, as more out-of-state women travel to California for abortions, this measure seeks to protect California abortion providers from criminal and civil liability elsewhere. Thank you! The first step to create the council required collecting 10,000 signatures of approval from fast-food employees, which the state chapter of the Service Employees International Union says was accomplished with nearly twice the required number. The proliferation of period-tracking reproductive health apps along with a high-profile Nebraska case where prosecutors subpoenaed Facebook messages from a mother charged with helping her daughter get an illegal abortion has led to scrutiny of how tech companies handle patient privacy. The opposition is led by the California Family Council, which argues that gender-affirming care is not an agreed-upon treatment for transgender children. The bills original sponsor, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, yanked its support for the bill after it was amended earlier in the year and has since voiced strong opposition. Researchers have found a strong link between leaving prison and entering homelessness, but have struggled to find exact data. Notably, law enforcement has not weighed in. The new laws address such varied areas as affordable housing, expanding voter access, worker protections, peace officer certification, crimes targeting people due to immigration status, and much more. A signing message can be found. We need to start implementing some things that work so that all students in California can be successful in having very strong academic foundations instead of taking a child and disciplining them and kicking them out of their learning environment either temporarily or permanently, she said. Californias fight against climate change requires a massive shift away from fossil fuels. Please contact CalMatters with any commentary questions: California isnt waiting any more, he said in a statement. Apartments would have to be either 100% affordable or mixed-use, meaning market-rate but affordable to at least 15% of lower income earners, or 8% of very low income and 5% of extremely low income earners.SB 6, by Democratic Sen. Anna Caballero of Salinas, would bypass the first step in permitting housing on commercial real estate while allowing other opportunities for local input, like CEQA. SB 1020, authored by state Sen. John Laird, a Democrat from Santa Cruz, sets interim targets for generating clean energy. Photo by Rahul Lal, CalMatters. SB 510 by Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) Health care coverage: COVID-19 cost sharing. In 2022, California Gov. Discipline could include a public reprimand, probation, suspension, or license revocation. Legislators also made last-minute amendments to the health omnibus budget bill that allow non-Californians to use money in the fund, a change that advocates rallied hard for in the final days. Faculty unions, associations and the academic senate, plus Mt. Kobi Naseck, coalition coordinator for environmental group VISION, says that even if the referendum effort is successful, that doesnt necessarily mean the end for these protections. The bill is supported by doctor groups including the California Medical Association, the California chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Emergency Physicians. Cremating one corpse can release almost 600 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The governor threw his support behind the bill by including it in his package of legislation to combat climate change, joining health groups and environmental organizations representing the fenceline communities where many oil and gas facilities are sited. Only 623,212 verified signatures are needed to qualify the initiative and put the law on hold until voters weigh in. Supporters say the world could exceed the 1.5 degree celsius threshold of dangerous warming as early as 2030, and that California must do its part to avoid the dire effects of climate change. The governors Twitter account said the bill makes California the 1st state to ensure creative content like lyrics & music videos cant be used against artists in court without judicial review.. In July, the new federal 988 number debuted in California and across the country. Another change was requested and the bill will be a new substitute tomorrow for the Committee's review. California's facing a potentially catastrophic shortage of providers, especially in communities of color and rural areas, a problem that is only expected to get worse in the next decade, Atkins said. More immediately, without this bill the current amount of benefits is set to expire and would return to 55% of a workers wages in January. Newsom signed the bill and several other higher education proposals on Sept. 30, his last day to act. By banning this practice, this bill would eliminate the pink tax, which supporters call the additional costs to female consumers. No one officially. Other workers also would get a boost, receiving 70% instead of 60% of their wages. They also say the plants extension could delay much-needed investments in renewable energy. Proposition 65 requires California to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Already, providers like Planned Parenthood and ACCESS Reproductive Justice California have reported influxes of out-of-state patients. The law, authored by Democratic Assembly member Dr. Akilah Weber, is an effort to disrupt the so-called school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to the disproportionate and increased likelihood of students of color particularly Black students being disciplined in school via suspension or police to end up incarcerated as adults. The bill was introduced in March by Democratic Assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan and 17 co-authors from every legislative ethnic caucus. They say the bill is overly broad, and that setting privacy regulations state-by-state could create confusion for businesses. Assemblymember Chris Holden, a Pasadena Democrat, carried the bill. The council would consist of fast food workers, their advocates, restaurant owners, fast food corporations and the states labor and business departments. AB 2147, The Freedom to Walk Act, would allow law enforcement officers to stop a pedestrian for jaywalking only when a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of a collision. The Legislature passed, but Newsom vetoed, a similar bill last year that would have repealed the states jaywalking laws and prohibited fines until Jan. 1, 2029. California will be required to collect data each year on how many people are exiting prison into unstable housing or outright homelessness under a new law that goes into effect Jan. 1. The regulation would be funded by a maximum fee of $8.50 per reduction or per body paid by licensed facilities to the Department of Consumer Affairs Cemetery and Funeral Bureau. As women from restrictive states come to California, closing our provider gap is more important than ever.. They also say the bill delays pipelines needed to transport carbon to where it can be injected and sequestered permanently underground. Newsom has made this one of his top climate priorities this legislative session. The contentious measure mirrors draft legislation Newsom proposed on Aug. 12, with a few key differences: Newsom wanted to extend the life of the plant for ten years, which received widespread opposition from legislators. Proposition 65 became law in November 1986, when California voters . Senate Bill 903 authored by now-retired Senator Bob Hertzberg attempts to measure this prison-to-streets pipeline. California created the first Paid Family Leave program in the nation 20 years ago, and today were taking an important step to ensure more low-wage workers, many of them women and people of color, can access the time off theyve earned while still providing for their family, he said in a statement. Assembly Bill 2632 from Democratic Assemblymember Chris Holden of Pasadena would overhaul how California prisons treat inmates in solitary confinement. But on Sept. 29, the secretary of state cleared for circulation an industry-backed referendum to seek to overturn the law on the 2024 ballot. It passed the Senate 39-0. SEIU, the states largest union, says the restaurant coalitions signature-gathering effort was purposely misleading to voters and says it has video to prove it, which the LA Times reviewed. SB 552 by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) Drought planning: small water suppliers: nontransient noncommunity water systems. In a veto message, he said that lowering costs and making sure that Californians have access to safe and affordable drinking water is a top priority, but said that there is no sustainable, ongoing funding identified.. New Year's Day will bring Californians a cornucopia of new rules after Gov. The people operating prisons and the Security Housing Units within them. It would be a first-in-the-nation law requiring broad privacy protections online for children under 18, and would represent yet another step California has taken to lead privacy regulation. Tia Koonse is the legal and policy research manager at the UCLA Labor Center and says pay is just one part of the plan. Its champions include the Chancellors Office of the California Community Colleges system, Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis and a number of professional medical groups and patient advocacy groups. Newsom signed this and other climate bills on Sept. 16. SB 846, authored by Republican Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham of San Luis Obispo and Democratic state Sen. Bill Dodd of Napa, would keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant open until 2030 and give its operator, Pacific Gas & Electric, a $1.4 billion loan to do so. Here are some of the new laws to help Californians: Gov. The state Capitol in Sacramento on July 6, 2022. Todays action gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety standards across the industry. Democratic Assembly member Buffy Wicks, who drafted the act, says it marks a turning point for Californias housing production needs no longer will lack of land be an issue. There's a lot of near-misses and a lot of accidents that happen from either clipping cyclists when you pass too close, Sanchez said. Senate Bill 1383, which aims to expand composting, will have the most significant impact on the lives of everyday Californians. During 2022 just under 1,000 laws were approved in California and are set to start impacting the lives of state residents across a wide variety of topics. AB 351, authored by Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, a Democrat from Downey, establishes licensing and regulation processes for human composting. More than a dozen states have announced plans to model abortion bans on Texas law. They would no longer be held in solitary for longer than 15 consecutive days, or 45 days in a 180-day period. Many of the new laws are minor fixes to laws that legislators and the governor previously enacted. Connecticut, Minnesota and New Jersey have also proposed pink tax legislation in the past year, and a federal bill was introduced in Congress in June 2021. All eyes are on the Newsom administration, in terms of being able to secure these protections in the next two years, should the referendum make it to the ballot.. On Jan. 1, the minimum wage in California will increase to $15.50 an hour. This year, CapRadio is focusing on 10 new laws that could impact your world. The new law requires the California Rehabilitation Oversight Board, part of the Office of the Inspector General, to issue annual reports to the governor and Legislature. GOVERNORS CALL As expected, Newsom announced on Sept. 2 that he was signing the bill. 1: One For the Road When restaurants shut down in-person dining early in the pandemic, the laws governing. The bill is supported by the California Future of Abortion Council, a collective of more than three dozen reproductive rights groups convened by Newsom in 2021 to examine abortion access in the state. If AB 2273 is signed into law, businesses that provide online services or products likely to be accessed by kids under 18 would have to provide greater privacy protections by default starting in 2024. Here is what you need to know about the new laws coming . SB 331 by Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) Settlement and nondisparagement agreements. Urban Footprints analysis estimates that 108,000 acres of land would be newly open for home construction, with the potential for between 1.5 and 2.5 million homes, 200,000 to 300,000 of which would not require a government subsidy. Legislators introduced more than a dozen bills this session designed to improve and protect access to abortion in California. It was part of the climate action plan that Gov. The bill is a first-in-the-nation attempt by a state to regulate a broad range of working conditions across an industry that this year employed roughly 700,000 Californians. It argues that dismissing records for violent criminals will reduce deterrents for repeat offenders and jeopardize public safety. SB 905: Environmental justice groups are opposed, saying carbon capture, use and storage technology is unproven. But this research was done on such laws that put more restrictions on who was eligible to apply. Residents of the Golden . Eleni Kounalakis, various think tanks and a few individual community colleges. A noose and a swastika and a burning cross were treated differently, both where they could legally be placed and how they were treated as a penalty. Supporters say that criminal records are serious barriers to the successful reentry of formerly incarcerated individuals to society. We expanded it to schools because we decided that was a sensitive space where we don't want, especially our young people, to be terrorized.. They raised concerns about spent nuclear waste and safety issues due to the plants proximity to seismic fault lines. Hundreds of new laws were passed by the State Assembly and signed by Gov. Jay Jordan, the CEO of Alliance for Safety and Justice, a nonprofit that supported SB 731, said the barriers ex-convicts face in life after prison are referred to as collateral consequences., If people who have served their time, who did everything the system said they needed to do, are not given a second chance, thats not democracy, thats not justice, thats just pure punitive, Jordan said. These bills would unlock a glut of empty stores, offices and parking lots for as many as 1.6 million housing units market conditions permitting without contributing to urban sprawl. The bill has enjoyed broad support as it sailed unopposed through both houses. Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California co-sponsored both bills and sits on the councils steering committee. It also allows for housing on that land, and exempts such projects from local approval processes and the California Environmental Quality Act. SACRAMENTO Governor Gavin Newsom today highlighted new bills signed into law in 2021 that will go into effect January 1, 2022, including historic measures to expand worker protections, tackle the states housing crisis, redress historical injustices, increase voter access and more. I think, especially in high school, the threat of a legal consequence will mitigate behavior. Versher said. GovernorNewsom Announces Appointments 2.28.23, Governor Newsom Marks End of Californias COVID-19 State of Emergency, Governor Newsom, Attorney General Bonta and CPPA File Letter Opposing Federal Privacy Preemption, GovernorNewsom Announces Appointments 2.24.23, 6 Ways California is Capturing & Storing Water from Storms. They just dont agree on how to get there or that this watershed environmental law is the culprit. It also was labeled a job killer by the state Chamber of Commerce, a criticism that has been taken up by trade unions. It has been this way for almost 100 years. This coming legislative session, Weber hopes to introduce a new bill that would mandate all California schools to utilize the list of practices developed by the states education department, to ensure all students, regardless of where their school is located, are able to benefit.

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