Saturn eliminates anything that is not authentic, sooner or later. For more information, see the page dedicated to Saturn. Countries: England, France, Germany, Denmark. Nobody gets bored with you because you are always planning things and suggesting excursions, at least when you are around and not already gone on a trip! Here are some character traits from Hunter Schafer's birth chart. You will find below the horoscope of Hunter Schafer with her interactive chart, an excerpt of her astrological portrait and her planetary dominants. She is Unmarried. It represents the governors, magistrates, professors, religious men too; the age of Jupiter goes from 50 to 55 or even 70 years old. The ruler of the Ascendant, also referred to as the chart ruler, brings a few interesting nuances to the meanings provided by the Sun and the Ascendant. Finally, relations will settle among planets, creating a third structure, which completes the planets' basic meanings. This keen interest in the Unknown sharpens your inter-relational skills. Loyal and benevolent, you put things into perspective, and you understand the true value of things, perhaps precisely because you travel - whether actually or mentally - and that stepping back from your intimate environment enables you to better perceive what is important and worthy. In modern astrology, it is actually used to enhance a planet or angle when in close conjunction with it: it thus amplifies the meaning associated to the point affected by its presence. The Venusian type, charming and seductive? However, the heights you dream of may be out of your reach. Trees: hawthorns, thorny trees and bushes. In your natal chart, the house position where Saturn is posited is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, he is a slow planet. However, it is possible to take advantage of it for a precise aim, through a temporary identification of some parts of us with this energy. The Third House is the sphere of social and intellectual apprenticeship, studies, relationships with close people and surroundings, short trips, light-hearted and quick contacts, correspondences. It is important that, based on the way you relate to the world, you learn to control your moods. Rigour is the best means to define yourself and find your function within the world. It is likely that you have to control your pride, as time goes by. In the chapter of qualities, let's mention a definite sense of responsibility, an innovative mind open to techniques and modern ideas, as well as a natural self-discipline which overcomes many an obstacle. Scorpio governs the sexual organs and the anus. Cadent houses, namely the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses, are very emphasized in your chart, Hunter Schafer. When your properties are at stake, you become your own lawyer. On the downside; it leads to carelessness, indifference, apathy, and mess. Ruled by strict Saturn, sea goats have a Some traditional associations with Sagittarius: Characterology: Emotive, Active, Secondary, passionate type. One must keep base instincts tightly reined in and absolutely avoid getting involved in activities linked to espionage, prostitution or procuring, and illegal drugs trade. It represents tradesmen, lawyers, messengers; the age of Mercury goes from 8 or10 years old to about 15.. Characterology: Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Non-Emotive, Active and Primary, Nervous or Sanguine type. In 2019, she made her acting debut portraying Jules in the HBO series Euphoria. With such a great potential, one becomes a leader in one's field of competence, or one puts one's numerous talents at the service of a less skilled boss. You are endowed with an acute sense of innovation and a mind avid for discoveries. Philosophy, astronomy, and occultism are also very favoured. Inner certainties fuel an inflexible will and a desire to call attention on yourself as well as to follow your beliefs through. WebMini Bio (1) Born in Trenton, New Jersey on December 31, 1998, Hunter Schafer graduated from the University of NC School of the Arts and became known in the state for her role, along with her father Mac, in challenging a state House bill requiring people to use public bathrooms that matched the gender on their birth certificates, in 2016. In your natal chart, the three most important signs - according to criteria mentioned above - are in decreasing order of strength Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Thus, hyper-sensitivity has its own inconveniences. Your other remarkable asset is your capacity to intervene from behind the scenes, to secretly organise events, and to bring about the desirable outcome without seeming to impose or to dictate anything. Zodiac. The following professions are most likely to suit you very well: corporate manager, actor of outstanding renown, film director, senior civil servant, ambassador, all positions in the gambling, amusement, or art industry, as well as first-class hotelier, jeweller and all occupations related to the luxury world, fireman, tamer, policeman/woman, or rider. The rules of life in society are not necessarily yours. It is useless to cheat with you, since in all areas you consider establishing enduring relationships only with those who love you, admire you, respect you, or express some degree of affection to you. Money and love affairs lead to debauchery and ruin. You are often reckless and you hardly put up with any links of subordination and subjection. Makeup. One may also feel attracted to the arts and to water sports. Animals: lions and felines in general. As you are born under this sign, you are serious, cold, disciplined, patient, focused, thoughtful, ambitious, indomitable, cautious, lucid, persistent, provident, steady, introverted, stern, wilful, hard-working, responsible, persevering, honest, realistic, loyal, reserved, resolute, moralistic, quiet, rigorous, attached and reliable. If Saturn is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Saturnian: you gladly leave to other people the decision to take life as it comes. It constitutes your main asset to manage your life. You are not interested in commonplaces and conventional values. The relative weakness implied by these characteristics indicates your tendency to hesitate or to be indecisive, but also your remarkable ability to start off again, which is a nice quality, finally: you can easily get yourself out of a tight spot thanks to your mobility and casualness, in the best sense of the term. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others and also one's health. They are all posited on the Zodiac wheel consisting of twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces, and divided into twelve astrological houses. You never make a judgement on a person, an idea, or a concept. She has one younger brother and two sisters. Psychologically speaking, your nature is bilious, with aggressive impulses that lead you towards the transformation of your entire being and, continuously, of the situation surrounding you. Remember How many relationships were lost because you could not declare your love? Without giving too much credit to this thesis - sometimes refuted by facts - we shall admit that the natives of this sign have the capacity to patiently and methodically build their destiny. The positive side of each personality is deliberately stressed. The twelve signs forming the space where planets move will "colour", so to speak, these typologies with each planet being located in its particular sign. Pluto is our deepest instincts' brutal force. Pleasant, clever, and flexible character endowed with excellent talents for mimicry. However, it is necessary to ensure that skills are not misused and do not translate into forgery or the manufacture of fake products, including counterfeit money. We currently use the latter formula for our astrological programmes. Any career in education and mentoring are favoured. Its interpretation is controversial, because certain astrologers pay no attention to it. In order to achieve your ideal of freedom and independence, you may act like a despot as you try to convince and to impose your views, whether smoothly or forcefully. The Fourth House also called Immum Coeli is the sphere of inner emotions, family, the father, home and roots, but also the home one creates. However, if you manage to control your tendency to scattering, all your encounters, all your discoveries can positively influence your philosophical life approach. Benevolent, discreet, and fair character endowed with powerful intellectual capacities. Characterology: Emotive, Active, Primary type. You know how to defend your interests, argue, and preserve your possessions. It is necessary to exercise analytical thinking in order to avoid people who prefer superficial pleasures to work, and who exert a negative influence. For more information, see the page dedicated to the Sun. Obviously, this often results in a natural selection of people around you: those who stand up to you or admire you and those who can't bear you anymore! They do not influence your personality and they are not to be really taken into account, unless they are involved in numerous aspects or when they emphasize a personal point of your natal chart such as your Ascendant's ruler, an angular planet, i.e. Your psychological nature is bilious with aggressive impulses that spur the transformation of your being and of any situation you are involved in. Flowers and plants: small bright-coloured flowers, especially blue and yellow, such as dandelions, buttercups, yellow dead-nettles, buglosses, forget-me-nots ; cardamoms, oak leaves, acorns. It's a succedent and quite important house. In a matter of minutes, you can get at your email address your astrological portrait (approximately 32 pages), a much more comprehensive report than this portrait of Hunter Schafer. This principle is valid for the 63,091 celebrities included in our database. Venus represents the way one loves, relationships, sharing, affectivity, seductive ability. Utopian, weak, and undiscerning character. You are courageous and rational, Madam, but you need affection and tenderness in spite of what you say. Beautiful, delusional, romantic and prone to tears, she represents the wateriest of water signs. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Vulcanus, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. The Sun is one of the most important symbols in the birth chart, as much as the Ascendant, then the Moon (a bit less for a man), the ruler of the Ascendant and the fast-moving planets. What is the secret of your good star? With you, no excessive emotions or fuzzy, abstract thoughts: you know where you are heading to, and your sharp and clear intellect usually enables you to efficiently manage your personal affairs. In any case, you are not quite sure to know what is really valuable. Cities: Rome, Prague, Bombay, Madrid, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Syracuse, Damas. If planets symbolize characters, signs represent hues - the mental, emotional and physical structures of an individual. Then, there are three additional distributions: elements (called triplicity since there are three groups of signs for each one) - Fire, Air, Earth and Water - corresponding to a character typology, modality (or quadruplicity with four groups of signs for each one) - Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable - and polarity (Yin and Yang). If your sign is Pisces or your Ascendant is Pisces: you are emotional, sensitive, dedicated, adaptable, nice, wild, compassionate, romantic, imaginative, flexible, opportunist, intuitive, impossible to categorized, irrational, seductive, placid, secretive, introverted, pleasant, artistic, and charming. As a Lunar character, you find it difficult to control yourself, you have to deal with your moods, and you must be careful not to stay passive in front of events: nothing is handed on a plate, and although your sensitivity is rich, even richer than most people's, you must make a move and spare some of your energy for action! Herbs and aromatics: tarragon, verbena, saxifrage. In 2017, A life off the beaten path? It is important that you retain only sound viewpoints and orientations, as well as elements that have proved their worth. American. The Martian type, active and a go-getter? N.B. Countries: Japan, Canada, Indo-China, South Pacific Islands, Burma, Argentina, Upper Egypt, Tibet. By Aliza Kelly. Indeed, you have a tendency to experience everything to the bitter end, and you overstep propriety borders because you want to understand everything, even what is forbidden. Nationality. It is believed that the wise man is not subjected to stellar influences. Career. Tenacity is your sign's forte. Some traditional associations with Pisces: For a woman, Mars corresponds to the kind of man she's attracted to (but not especially in marriage which is rather symbolized by the Sun, Mars is the lover, not the husband). It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrn. If you do not get what you want, the danger is that you may seek refuge in cynicism and that you isolate yourself. But why do you hide your feelings so often? Herbs and aromatics: lemon, chicory, limes, mosses. It is so difficult to express and to share your very specific feelings. All careers in science and ornithology are very favoured. Communication is the major key to your fulfilment. According to the birthday of Hunter Schafer the astrological sign is Capricorn. Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits. Every area of your life is thus marked by your affectivity. These people readily describe you with such unflattering terms as apathy and nonchalance. Her mother noticed this when Schafer was 2 years old. You must take control of your life and free yourself from the limits that life imposes on you. Its element is indefinite; burning (like lava in fusion ? Trees: all trees full of sap. A commendable ambition. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Scorpio. However, on the image, the man has not fallen down yet, and the dragon, which symbolises the guardian of treasures, indicates that total ruin can be avoided if one displays wisdom and persistence. Some traditional associations with Gemini: However, other astrological elements also influence these areas. You easily adjust to all kinds of situations because your outgoing nature integrates the characteristics of your environment very quickly. It corresponds to the way the individual acts in the world. One can and must develop one's potentialities. The charm of your partner does not only include physical features or aroused sentimental attraction, but also intellectual and moral qualities: you fiercely need authenticity and seriousness because this is the way you are. The planet Saturn symbolizes contraction, effort, time, limitation and concentration. You have an obvious and strong will to charm and to arouse the attachments without which you cannot properly function. Flowers and plants: poppies, roses, digitales, violets, primroses, aquilegia, daisies. The members of your entourage gladly entrust you with high responsibilities because they are often impressed by your learning skills and your adaptation abilities as you deal with new structures and new languages. However, one must not heed one's jealous instincts and must refrain from being unfaithful in love. Your hatred of mediocre and average situations is legendary! Uranians are never predictable, and it is especially when they are believed to be stable and well settled that they change everything - their life, partner, and job! Food: berries, apples, pears, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans, spices, corn and other cereals. The sign Mercury occupies is significant only if Mercury is part of your planetary dominantes. You follow your inspirations, for better or for worse. So many qualities and dangers combined in one person! The Plutonian type, domineering and secretive? Proud, vigilant, and courageous character endowed with numerous talents. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Pisces. It symbolizes what has already been achieved or acquired, in a karmic sense: it's the past from which it's advised to move on in order to progress. Saturn represents concentration, effort, perseverance, time, the hard reality, inevitable consequences. Therefore, you are a very reassuring person to your entourage: they readily rely on your sense of reality. The North Node is often called the Dragon's head, it is usually considered beneficial, a bit like Jupiter with the planets. As far as you are concerned, you prefer to take advantage of your experiences in order to discover, to grow, and to question yourself. Characterology: Emotive, Active, Primary type; it is an extrovert Choleric. If your sign is Leo or your Ascendant is Leo: you are proud, determined, strong-willed, loyal, solemn, generous, ambitious, courageous, heroic, conquering, creative, confident, seductive, happy, daring, fiery, majestic, honest, magnanimous, charismatic, responsible, noble, dramatic but also domineering, vain, susceptible, bossy, stubborn, intolerant, self-centred, violent, quick-tempered, nonchalant. However, better than anyone else, you know how to mobilise your resources in case of crisis. WebHunter Schafer zodiac sign is a Capricorn. They form the Chinese Zodiac and symbolize the twelve paths of wisdom that are still valid nowadays. In both cases, this degree indicates a position of authority, honours, and fame. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Aries. Definitely, enthusiasm, euphoria, and exaltation. The only men who can really stand the test of time are those who will resist you or subject you unconditionally, and whom you will respect for the rest of your life. With such a configuration, Hunter Schafer, you are inclined to scattering regarding the expression of your feelings which can easily get carried away in your multiple relationships or within your surroundings. Food: apples, pears, berries, corn and other cereals, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans. Fezco / Angus Cloud Cancer Leo Libra. You gladly cultivate the art of letting-go, and you allow the natural unfolding of events to construct your world. N.B. Some traditional associations with Capricorn: Otherwise, one would incur serious legal problems and would need to escape, as suggested by the scattered coins in the image. The subtlety of your perceptiveness is the source of both special affections and irrevocable rejections. These houses are symbolically linked to the mind and intellect. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrn. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Capricorn. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Libra. Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy, sexuality, strength. Characterology: Emotive, Active, Secondary type; it is a Passionate type. Optional, cost of additional minutes varies by psychic from $3.50 to $9.50 (including tax) depending on the psychic pricing tier. If your sign is Libra or your Ascendant is Libra: you are sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, indulgent, but also hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive. With this Ascendant, you come across as secretive, powerful, dominating, enduring, intuitive, assertive, charismatic, magnetic, wilful, daring, clear-sighted, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, indomitable, possessive, shrewd, stubborn, ambitious, instinctive, tenacious, sexual, sexy, proud, intense and competitive. 11 planetary dominants and 57 characteristics are reviewed, quantified, and interpreted; then, your psychological portrait is described in detail, in a comprehensive document of approximately 32-36 pages, full of engrossing and original pieces of information about yourself. Houses are split up into three groups: angular, succedent and cadent. Apollon is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. Similarly to the pianist or the dancer who practices every day, it is necessary to constantly hone one's skills in order to maintain them at the highest possible level. In your natal chart, Neptune's house position is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, he is a slow planet. She was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, and is a citizen of the United States. Many people born in the same period have Uranus in the same sign. 3rd Earth sign - 4th Cardinal sign (winter solstice) - Feminine, In analogy with Saturn, her ruler, and the 10th House. However, you do not confuse the interests at stake: what is white is not black You may have an innate talent for difficult negotiations, and you may play the role of natural mediator in contentious situations. For a woman, it also represents her father, and later her husband. Food: milk, fishes, watery fruits and vegetables, turnips, white and red cabbages. These three distributions give a general tone in terms of introversion and extraversion, willpower, sociability, and behavioural predispositions. Most used item in your makeup bag? a planet near the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Nadir or the Descendant. In your chart, the Sun and Venus are both in Capricorn. If you do not achieve celebrity, you strive to rub shoulders with the upper crust and fit into high-society circles, for you believe that they must naturally acknowledge you. This is what we call identifying the dominant planets. Chiron is almost renowned and used everywhere. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. Neptune in Aquarius may inflame your faith in favour of an ideal or of a humanitarian cause. In an astrological chart, it indicates dilution, vagueness, understanding one's environment through emotions and the absence of clear and determined limits and structures. A cold manner conceals your affectivity. You are enthusiastic and you give your life a dramatic and spectacular turn. More than anyone, he remains his true self, loyal to his principles, his objectives and his projects. With Mars in Libra, you are enthusiastic when the situation favours exchanges and dialogues. Possession, acquisition but also communication, without opening up too much, are part of your deep motivations. Obviously, so many movements for one woman may scare people off, and some of them may even criticize your brutality or your tendency to loose your temper, but you are so warm and genuine, so expansive, isn't this a good thing? When necessary, you can be curt. She, too, comes from a Christian family and is of Caucasian descent. When was Hunter Schafer born? WebHunter Schafer by Bax, is licensed under cc-by-sa-3.0, resized from the original. Your appetite for power may be satisfied abroad. Should the natal chart concur, one is some sort of prophet whose name is most likely to go down in history. The Earth type, realistic and efficient? They are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses. Your strength lies in your ability to handle conflicts and to harmonize antagonistic positions. For men, she also corresponds to the kind of woman he's attracted to (but not especially in marriage which is more symbolized by the Moon, Venus is the lover and not the wife). Some day, you may be rich. Countries: Holland, Scotland, North and West Africa, New-Zealand, Paraguay, Algeria. Your 8th house is very highlighted: it is the most complex house of the Zodiac. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. Aquarius governs the ankles and the legs. December 31st, 1998 (Thursday) Place of Birth. Therefore, people are well-advised not to hound you into a corner. , clever, and courageous character endowed with an acute sense of reality from being unfaithful in.. Argentina, Upper Egypt, Tibet own lawyer subordination and subjection may inflame your faith favour., mosses world, you know how to defend your interests, argue, divided! An ideal or of a humanitarian cause natal chart concur, one is some sort of prophet name! 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