If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. bigger that the MOAB trump had dropped in the middle east with a blast yield equivalent to 11 tonnes of TNT. I would say not because of the Bay. Power outages of two days have done it there can you imagine a month. Hard to tell from the map, it looks close.. However this is simply my own estimation. Even a wave less than 75 feet will spell intense disaster for Florida. You had better be above Sea Level minimum 400ft, I prefer 650+ft and have a Shelter built from the harsh Elements, Fire, 200mph Winds, Acid Rain, Rivers/Streams Flooding, and Earth Quakes if near a Faultline, in your area, and have Food and Supplies for at least 2 years. No Trout, Bass, Salmon, Pike, Perch etc will be left alive. Some of us will not be able to make that kind of move. Sequenced quakes look to be Manmade and that should be a Huge Wake-up Call. I recently had a dream and in it Jesus directing a lot of people to a mountain top. Statistically chances are bigger to be whacked by a shorting Tesla model S on fire whilst crossing a zebra. Because the 1,600 km (1,000 mi) fault affected by the earthquake . People who live in coastal cities should be required to go through classes when moving there, explaining the dangers. To me that means our Generation and quite frankly point to La Palma or sister island. But, Ill need to be ready if confirmation receive from God. However northwestern new jersey is very mountainous and is a safe haven, although like Out of NJ says, the nuclear plants could cause problems. People throughout the US and other countries have been having these dreams and more frequently. :>8*. Rejoice, and be at peace, knowing that God is in full control of everything. Among those one will be on the West coast of the US, but that one, would not be as large as the one that will come upon the East coast. one small, then one very large to the northwest of it (a city between). Any models for Texas? If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. @ Melissa, With the scenario given in this article, I believe you would be at a fairly high risk to some damage. Exactly this. You will probably have to be indoors for at least 5 months, and maybe longer. I packed a bag for myself and my kids and i am prepared to evacuate if necessary. The dogs bark and the birds fly awaybut it will be too late to evacuate with floridas dense population. This location is 11 mi from the atlantic ocean, but only 5 mi south of the sandy hook bay, west of the Atlantic & east of the raritan bay just south east of Staten Island. I live in Pleasantville N.J. NEAR ATANTIC CITY SHOULD I MOVE FURTHER AWAY, You should take a trip to somewhere off the East Coast. Believe and repent.. Omg all the predictions of dates, so dire, all of which have passed. The consequences of such an event are nearly unimaginable. Also, I was wondering would tsunami would be one or few states in East Coast? So technically saying, if a tsunami was to come inland, it would also push a lot of junk inland, desolating the area..its a lot to take in consideration on a situation like this. Hi, I live in Orlando close to Disney. I wrote this like superfast just trying give you glimps. In general, a tsunami will travel as far inland as the height of the wave. Just a guess, with the bibles numbering system, that the quake would be at least a mag 10. Tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline. The key is to prepare for the unknow. I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. God bless. Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. How far could you travel realistically in your vehicle if everyone else is also trying to drive away? Hi The Original Just Sayin', Also look at a map and see how the coastline curves along east coast, this will concentrate the effects of a wave. I wonder what kind of expertise/training you have? I live in Lakeland Florida, about 80 miles inland from Melbourne from the east coast and 50 miles inland from the west coast. This will not only hurt the U.S.A. and Canada but South America Africa, Great Britain, and all the coast across the sea.Plus when the water recede wow what happens then? The magnetic pull would be tremendous. Look it up get yourself and family right with GOD. Shes Screwed!!! Multiply that by I dont even know. The geologist there said a few days ago there is a 50% chance of land falling off but I bet its gone down since then. Just curious . Would the mid-Atlantic Ridge play any part in decreasing the energy of a Tsunami from the Canary Islands? Folks if you live in a social Tinderbox subject to Fredde Grey issues and such need to have a solid PREPACKED Full Gas Tank Bug out vehicle AND a Solid Place to go to. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . The only thing I will say is: GOD DEVISED a plan to save the people on that island because I believed the message & 1 man gave all his efforts we worked together. not with the Delaware River? These are very small rivers. This Planet comes by roughly every 4500 years, never the same +/- 500 years. Thank you and God bless. At first the locals would be glad of the newcomers purchasing supplies, food, and motel rooms. Just a question. THE ELEVATION FOR GREENVILLE IS NOT 375 MORE LIKE 75. So take a map of where you intend this tsunami to begin coming ashore at 1000 feet and find the 1000 foot contour line. Will Allentown and Bethlehem Pennsylvania be affected by a 300 foot tsunami? I pleaded to God from the depths of my soul for mercy and I asked him to please spare my life from such a great destruction. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. Informative post. Disperse container handling and recommission US Army Railroad Transportation Corps. Staten Island will take the hit. Were in UK and wondering how we can prepare. what will this do after wards? Im about 120 miles away in the foothills, but have a lot of family along the California coastlines. Or are Phillipsburg and Easton safe bets? I usually dream of being near two large nuclear disasters. YOU CANT FIX STUPID BUT YOU CAN VOTE IT OUT! Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. Baaaaaa!!! I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking :). Hope it helps. Many people will be trying to flee, gridlock will be the order of the day. All areas along the Eastern Coast will have to deal with tidal waves as a fact they cannot discount, during the coming pole shift. Because the elites are buying all of their products and putting them in their bunkers! Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? Needless to say that since the list shows all the high points down to 49 ft elevation, your CLOSEST distance to anything is a three hour drive to west of Orlando (Sugarloaf). I do not plan to work the interstates as that will be peoples first choice and preference to evacuate. Please shoot me an email as my search for answers will continue. Any advice? Instruments are detecting gasses (Helium 3) that indicate magma rising up from the ground. Veronica. His lips are moving. Having plenty of bottled drinking water on hand as part of an emergency package, is also recommended. Thank you & God bless.. I too live in NC Piedmont area. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. The latter observance was while hurricane waves were being generated before the actual landfall. -The map simply illustrates height above sea-level. The Earth will be passing through its trajectory and no one knows what it could be dragging because we cannot see what is coming facing the sun. Wade, I am not in that area and if i were and could move inland , would. Tsunamis (this kind) are directional, meaning there is a lobe of higher wave height. Basically people dont want to MOVE, b/c they dont see it as SIMPLE. Id love to get together n talk if you think we are in the last days as well. Ive scanned all the comments and saw this area brought up a few times. Great info. your gonna have wet feet for sure lol Regardless of the factors, I felt that you may be curious to see following elevation graphics that I layered together which increment 75 feet all the way to 300 feet in height along the U.S. East Coast. Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! (research by Steven N. Ward). I live on the Space Coast of Florida. I live in Teaneck, NJ, just outside NYC. But be prepared that in the case of either traffic jams or accidnets, because of the timing of impending danger, you may have to leave your vehicle and travel on foot. Sugarloaf mountain is on the southwest shore of lake Apopka twenty miles west of Orlando. I hope Im dead by then because for who ever survives will for sure have to deal with the financial difficulties that follow an event like this. It looks to me like your location is fine, in my own opinion, given that even a 300 tsunami would lose energy (and height) as it travels inland. My entire life I have dreamed of being killed by a giant wave. Hundreds and hundreds of of fish, whales, sharks, turtles, ect beaching themselves with no explanation. I guess people have feared this tsunami for about 20 years. We live in New Mexicolots of beach, but not much water. While I was looking to the clearing on the clouds, a man of a gigantic stature appeared on my left and he was wearing a long white tunic, but with his face in the cosmos. How far were you from that Recent 5.5 earthquake near Sparta NC ? silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? There is no where to hide but in the Almighty Lord our Savior. Focus on bettering yourselves and your family, and control what you can. Now that I think about it, even though I live in the mountains its the aftermath that would be worst. Everyone thinks the tsunami will be 300 feet, He does now, thank goodness. The only safe place will be the place where the Father tells you to go. Thats a question you may be wondering, especially if you live near the coast. NOT the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami (or any height) would actually travel. I live in Avon park Florida high land county elevation of 121 ft it this wave come this far?? Almost certainly in the type of tsunami event considered in this blog many plants would not be able to shutdown or contain the consequences., https://halturnerradioshow.com/images/2021/09/16/US-Nuke-Plants.jpeg, https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/earthquake-swarm-la-palma-if-blows-wipes-out-us-east-coast-via-tsunami, [ Also, https://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/us-nuclear-power-plant-locations-live-wind-flow-map-for-fallout/ ]. 1) If you believe your dream was real, I will not doubt you as a dowser there are many things I have seen in my dreams which come true with in a period of time. If you have the opportunity, please let me know that your assessment would be; were living in Freehold Township New Jersey. I would imagine that it would be considerable. So Im just curious about tsunamis and I live in Miami. Karen It would be bitchin to see it happen. As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. Dang. Actually, the distance a tsunami will travel inland has more to do with the energy remaining as it hits the shore. There would be not only flooding, but dead folks and livestock. Hi Olivia.. we live in Daytona too; get in touch, be good to talk. I have had those same dreams. As such, those bugging out would very likely cause a chain reaction of other folks attempting the same thing. Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. Im in Charlotte NC Im in far enough right? What is your opinion if you are 10 miles west of Phila? What if this, What if that? Of course at the 225 300 guages we are all underwaterbut one can hope Weve lived long enough. I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. Pets will also alert their owners by becoming increasingly distressed and panicked; they just know. Get on the survival sites and take notes. Find a reason to vacation inland NOW! So accept god into your heart, repent, whatever you have to do to feel at peace.. I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. I have dreams that come true often. Greatly appreciated! Diffractive effects of land mass topography, changes caused in the shape of the sea floor by the earthquake, and vertical movement of the sea bed. Might be better to be dead and in peace. Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. Did you find any maps of potentially inundated nuclear facilities? Getting out of harms way before the others clog the roads. I take confidence in the fact that i dont dream this stuff every night. Hey manthanks for ignoring the existence of my entire state. I live in Sebring, Florida. But I am curious. Also, who has a good approach to thinking about emergency food please share a link. Its the little things! The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. Calamity struck at 10pm on July 9, 1958, when a 8.-Richter-scale earthquake rammed the Alaskan coast up and northward. Look for Dutchsinse on YT. Would we have ample time to reasonably evacuate the major cities? Watch the Weather, Watch the Military, Watch the Rich who have their bugout Shelters, Watch the High-Level Govenment People. What would be the timeline for the recession of the water at the levels shown in the maps? Hi, did anyone ever answer your question? I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. 10 miles inland, about 100 ft elevation. Nicely explained, thank you for posting that. Out of curiosity and an interest in maps, I have custom built the following elevation maps based on high resolution data from USGS digital elevation maps of the United States, particularly the East Coast. My date in my phone is very troubling.. Or would it have to be as far as Ohio, or Atlanta Georgia? It looked sadly up at me and turned to continue walking south past me. How far inland can a tsunami travel? Only 40 above sea level. @WorriedPerson God bless everyone! Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. Check out some vids from the last Japan tsunami, posted one behind this, should show up soon, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qjSDzNd1qEo. Atlantic storms are 5-6 miles high. As far as our Govt goes, when have you ever know it to tell us the truth about anything? Seriously? NO WAY water goes that far up the Hudson River valley, NO WAY. Wow, we are in derby ct just left and up from new haven. If your anywhere within a couple hundred miles you will be inundated by people fleeing and then not to mention the infrastructure thats been wiped out and the shipping ports and the refineries. Pay attention not only to weather radios, but scanners which monitor activity of first response organizations as they often will get the information in advance of the public. THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. Given the known content and depth of the crust and mantle, different sources of vibrations would result in an increase in different waveforms forming with various energies. I live on Long Island, Suffolk County. All of the West has suffered long term drought save a few places. Although a bit Hollywood, a good way to see how the water behaved was in Deep Impact with Elijah Wood and Morgan Freeman. Where will I, What will happen if, How far will it come inland, Will I be ok here in this ONE SPOT? I am in NJ too, and kind of nervous at the moment. But even with the idea of a tsunami is not as likely as a lot of other threats that are around the pike. And Im 100% serious about buying homes in/around Tampa. Look to God, make sure that you are not walking in sin. As also mentioned back and secondary roads are usually safer bits for avoiding traffic jams on main highways. Question. I do believe Isaiah 24:3 is describing the rapture, the looting of the earth as God takes what is His. . image source: Cumbre Vieja Volcano Potential collapse and tsunami at La Palma, Canary Islands, Steven N. If he is worried, Im definitely worried. I would like to see a 500 foot scenario, especially for what the Mississippi River and tributaries would look like. If an asteroid hit the mid-Atlantic, THAT would be a real problem because the volume of displaced water would be off the charts. The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. You would need to define a wave. If you live in Connecticut like me, PLEASE TRY TO BE 100 MILES FROM THE COASTLINE AND 500FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. I tried to stop my mom but they are on the way to Florida as I post. Estimates of between 5 and 7+ minutes duration as the break goes from one end to the other. be ready to move out when they tell everyone it is coming take secondary roads and travel northwest. What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? Maybe Joe can have a 300 foot plywood wall built along the coast to protect the country. I read that the Fault is over 700 and one article states over 800 miles long. Also, how about a 800ft wave? Throughout all of time things could happen, thats always been the case. Romy . Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable. What about Pearland Texas.. Only about 12 people know this Earthquake is coming and six of them work here. The land in many places will be scoured clean, without a trace, and in some areas no land will even remain. My daughter live in AZ is she going to be safe with my grandsons? Would it reach as far as the mountains? Not really. How bad ? Ms, Lousiana, ditto. Then the locals would realize that the credit/debit cards were worthless and that theyd given away what supplies were locally available. In Japan it was mere minutes before it hit. Essentially a delta area, there are no rock outcroppings to afford safety from tidal waves that will strike the coastline at a height of 500-600 feet, diminishing only well inland to an average wash over the state of 100 feet above sea level. Additionally, the wave would have to get over the Allegheny Front 60 miles to the east, which at its lowest point is about 2500 feet in elevation. Do you live on the Big Island? We are about 20 miles from the shore line and about 200 above sea level. But the wave might be atomic energy. Oh, well. Speed is a minor factor, since the continental shelf and sloping ocean bottom as a braking surfaces to oncoming waves. But I believe in God as does my family and I believe we will be ok, we have a great work to do for Him. I know this mirrors a lot of the disclaimers made by the author, but I feel like there is still too much fear-mongering, especially looking at comments below. That being said I live in New Haven, CT; which according to your model is screwed. If it happens, I will be sitting on my back porch, facing ocean, be praying for everyone else and lifting my eyes to Jesus. Did you find any maps of potentially innundated nuclear facilities? How about a 300 foot concrete wall? There was no history of a horseless carriage until the car was made. He had mention 100 feet wave of tsunami coming to East Coast. Its limestone, (Swiss cheese), and think about the sinkholes they have, the crime, the influx of everybody. There is no certain data.. Each of us has to figure what kind of risks we wish to take.. No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. There is nothing wrong with the picture. Because the 1,600 km (1,000 mi) fault affected by the earthquake was in a nearly north-south orientation, the greatest strength of the tsunami waves was in an east-west direction. Logically one might reason that the tsunami will travel inland until the elevation of the land is higher than the tsunami. This will give you some material , one place to start, your research..He has done these for several years. It is secured with a stainless steel cable to the ground, and it is very heavy duty. In many places, the waves reached as far as 2 km (1.2 mi) inland. Ward. If youre truly concerned about regular flooding, then you likely could visit a good local public library plus talk to the local historical society and find out historical flooding in your region. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. Too old to run from a Tsunami, we evacuated for Florence and decided we would never leave again. This is a dangerous zone correct? God knows we cant trust the mainstream media nor our government! Joe Biden would tell everyone to remove any glasses they were wearing, remove all sharp objects from their pockets, bend over. I live in the gulf west side of southern florida. Even the Vatican is in alert pointing their telescopes at the skies. Im near the coast in Ivoryton and we have Bushy Hill Mountain a 1 hr hike away and a few other mountains nearby above 300ft sea level. There have been lots of people who have commented on this article who live well inland and have been concerned about impact. Let me state this up front to you and anyone reading this, my comments are not meant to be snarky but I am a person who believes telling it like it is. ?? Is that area safe? I am very interested in your blog since I live in New York State. It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. The BIG ONE isnt due to hit California until May 22, 2016. This is because of the various forces of earth exerting various pressures on it. I guess I am a goner as I live on Long Island. Looks like wed be gone. If you havent gotten OUT of FL. Ive found in the last year that other people have had similar dreams with tsunamis. How does ANYBODY think they have the right to keep a Tsunami from destroying property and killing people!!! My family and i live in southern Texas , about 45 minutes from the coast (South Padre Island) Whether still ruled by the wealthy elite who originally purchased them or by their guards, who have little reason to remain loyal to their original masters, the local farming community will be pressed into service, with great brutality. In my opinion, theres no need to panic. Im in the NC piedmont, just east of Charlotte about 120 miles inland. While it is a known fact all governments and scientific fields of research have gone a different direction in this field, such as ring proton and neutron, They have floundered with the actual energy we need, I agree that something is up and that something is not going to be nice. No one is saying anything about houston texas. If you live on the East Coast, then bugging inland would likely take you away from all of your supplies and heavy items like water and would result in terrible chaos and violence. Does anyone have any info on that? Shes having a boy. Pray, repent, give your life to God. I know its long, but try to read it all. How many miles West does one has to travel in Safety from the Beaches from Miami gardens? After watching the extended cut of The Abyss, that image of a massive Tsunami would be both awesome, and horrifying to witness. I was wondering the same thing. Any input is appreciated . No, you should be prepared; worrying does no good in life besides give you gray hair. Having said that, a hypothetical tsunami as described, will not go everywhere within the elevations that are shown. I truly want to help.. God bless. What if a 1,000+ foot wave hit from a nuke detonated off our coast? I wonder how badly she would be affected? In addition, the weight of all of that water could make Florida sink as there is not much underneath Florida except caves, caverns, honeycombed caves, aquifers, etc. Where would I feel like I had a fighting chance (if any)? Consider your neighbors, when finding refuge from the Atlantic seaboard during the pole shift in North Carolinas mountainous interior.. Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. Heres your answer. How far inland did the 2004 tsunami go? Lava filled the valleys as millions ran for their lives & I turned to look behind & these people were following me. Florida has always been a little treacherous. Martial Law will mean Travel Restrictions, Food Restrictions, Gasoline Restrictions, etc. My sister and her husband went through it one year after a hurricane. No fruit or vegetables will grow in ground that has been filled with salt. Then I saw a Golden Lamb walking from the city of New York towards me. 3 Dave Consiglio I am a citizen! The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. We live on the eastern shore of MD, about 25 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and 30 miles fro Chesapeake Bay. Its been predicted for a 9 earthquake . Are you saying we will be 10 feet under water ? 4 miles off the coast of SE, NC. NRP. Although its in plain black and white. If you cant afford a class, find a good course at a good university and get the textbooks, then READ THEM! Were living in Freehold Township New Jersey land will even remain coming and six of them here... Like to see it happen wave of tsunami coming to east how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go braking surfaces oncoming. Foot wave hit from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to Florida! The waves reached as far as 10 miles ( 16 km ) inland, would check it out later! It looked sadly up at me and turned to continue walking South past me purchasing supplies food! Massive tsunami would be the timeline for the recession of the newcomers purchasing supplies, food Restrictions etc! 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