STUPID JUDGES who denied her right to retrials should be held accountable and off the bench. The sock? For all anyone knows he put on a mask and is the killer and he framed her. Did they check Darlies blood to see if she had been drugged? The drawers containing the towels and rags were right next to the sink, so of course shes going to drip blood on it. Nothing about his story appeared to fit, but the police were not aware of this because they failed to investigate Darin. Published Wednesday, June 13, 2018. Yeah go Texas, keep making America proud. A guilty person would have slipped up by now. Darlie Routiers crime crossed the line of demarcation and is so vile, so repulsive that redemption and forgiveness on this earth is impossible. (Second time Ive said that on this thread.) How utterly shocking. Why would someone inflict such pain on themselves ? Jodi Arias innocent, Intruders, admitted but self defense claim The other lawyer is Bryce Benjet. I remember when this happened and imo she was guilty from the beginning. Well about the ladys mentioned above.At least they are not baby killers.She is not going anywhere untill she takes that ride to recieve her justice. Like Darlie Kee; her mom, stated in an interview: the life insurance money on the boys wasnt even enough to cover the cost of funeral and burying them. You cant get that unless you did the killing. Most guilty people live in fantasy land. If your not to brain dead, its obvious that there was an intruder!! Its possible there wouldve been cross contamination with evidence gathered. This was a witch hunt. Couple things that really bother me about this (1) if someone was trying to kill me or my kids wouldnt you be yelling for your husband or wife who was upstairs and wouldnt he hear anything?Ever thing i ever saw would suggest you would(2) the blood evidence of splatter on her from her kids doesnt lie just like OJ blood was 100% at the murders ofGoldman/Brown.I believe the husband was involved somehow. I dont know if shes innocent or not but theres enough doubt to make a reasonable person think this should be reopened and access to the DNA & available to either prove or extinguish reasonable doubt, which is part of the due process the Constitution guarantees us & that has been secured by the lives of brave men & women for over 200 years. If proven wrong be human and concede, vanity has no place in a courthouse! What the hell was her reason for planting a sock? Im not even gonna comment on this, to many ignorant people in the world, and the state of Texas leads the way and thats fact. 3. Your comments are an indication of how misguided and ignorant of the reality of our justice system really is- better hope you dont get ensnarled in it! How many license plates numbers do you record every night as people you dont know drive by your house? My fiancee and I witnessed him with the company of two different women on separate nights at the Cheddars restaurant on I-75 in Plano. I hope he stays in jail at least until he is old and gray. Who is protecting and lying for Darin? At least be creative if you plan to lie. (Sarcasm***) Darin Routier has never been investigated and nobody seems to care. Everyone who put her on death row should pay dearly. If your going to post, at least have the common sense to post the truth. Just because some prosecutor can tell a story with a tear What intruder would come in and stab 2 little boys to death, and not kill the mother? I have also wondered why there has never been a reward put up for information about the case. How can her own mother still believe Darin is innocent? People need to know the truth about Darin Routier. I saw a woman whose un-styled hair lay limp and lank on her shoulders. You cant stall the Justice System forever. Over all the cases I have seen in the past few years this one is the one that just doesnt add up to her being guilty. Bad taste can be a determining factor ?? I think they both did it. Its all of YOU wholl pay for rushing to judgment because a woman cried her heart out at her babies grave, then managedin a time of utter griefto celebrate what wouldve been her sons birthday. Im from that area and was there and followed the whole thing from the beginning. So your saying Diane Downs and Ted Bundy werent psychopaths until a doctor said they were? Hey I couldnt fathom that pretty girl that had a good life kill 2 beautiful kids. Finally!!!!! It was his sock after all but her DNA was found inside of it. 68. Im calling Netflix now to greenlight this. Yet again incorrect info being chucked about. And, to not hear this all happening while she was right there. Darin Routier has never been investigated. They also collected the evidence by shoving many things in one zip lock bag so all the DNA got contaminated. Lol. Win/win. On the night of June 6, 1996, Darlie slept on the sofa . The way the police collected evidence in brown & clear bags also seems very clumsy, items were sticking out of the top of some bags & many not sealed before they removed them from the scene, cross contamination springs to mind. Ive seen the crime scene photos uncensored and she has a slit on her throat while her boys have horrifying penetrating injuries? YOU gave your daughter the bad advice not to get help in case of divorce. DUH. We made a decision not to be morose. Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. Prosecutor didnt. The Court finds that the affidavits are not affirmative evidence of Applicants innocence. NOT, no way. Her DNA was in the toe of that sock because she was the one who did the laundry. They cant try cases using the method of the end justifies the means. The true crime author I forget her name Barbara??? Furthermore, for the idiotic prosecutors to say a mother would never consider committing suicide is just total BS. Well we wont be silent for damian and Devons sake she is right where she belongs and there is not one new piece of evidence that is going to prove anything but DARLIE ROUTIER MURDERED HER SLEEPING BABIES but will you supporters finally admit she is a cold blooded murderer when these new tests come back showing once again Darlie is right where she belongs actually she should be 6 feet under by now. Now knowing this and realizing that the police were wrong when they assumed Darins story appeared to fit. The extremely sad events where the murder of young boys is stomach churning for most, if not all of those speaking about Darlie Routiers guilt or innocence. Lets face i some of you did commit crimes in your past. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. Darlie Kee, the mother of an Altoona woman on death row in Texas for the 1996 stabbing deaths of her two young sons, has fought for years to have authorities run an unidentified bloody . It will be more merciful than what she did to those innocent kids. Something is fishy with that part. I also think Doug Mulder did a lousy job of defending her. They are safely hidden behind their keyboards and fake names as they bully others with their dramatically stated opinions and distorted facts. Sadly, the topic-at-hand is lost and hardly matters (example from this page, Liberal baby killers using a story to bully and put down a different political affiliation) when the focus should be on the story above. Her and Darin did have a fight even though they lied about it. What hung her was when her mother and husband went behind her back and hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime. It matters. I believe her story and Ive seen the photos of her defensive wounds. oh please. Now the baby always woke her up but she sleeps through her kids being murdered. Post partum is an unspoken epidemic, and being a mom is a thankless and life sucking job that sometimes leaves you hating your life because being treated like human garbage is normal everyday shit as a mom, but yay mothers day!?!? She had also taken a polygraph, for 6 hours and failed it. Shouldnt have taken this long for a new trial! Diane Downs blamed carjacker then admitted I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. How dare you expect others to believe the exact way you do! Darlie aint finna go no where but Huntsville. No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. Simply reading the transcripts of the trial will tell you that she never received a fair trial. Charming comment.not !! heres the deal and the reason the police pleaded the fifth amendment the police recorded that footage with im assuming what turned out to be an illegal wiretap. She did it. They know they can not execute her because they have yet to investigate her husband. Marlene did her research. So what she was injured, she done it to herself. Conflict of interest? Yes its like lightning sticking twice tgat he has to go thru this again. How the hell do you figure that? I also think Darrin may have cut the screen. The fact that the prosecutors had to put Little Miss Goody Two Shoes on the stand just showed how desperate they were to dig up dirt on Darlie. To a camera!) Her grandparents and other relatives lived there. Of course, if 85-J is run through the national database and a match pops up or if DNA tests pass the high bar of proving the presence of a man in the Routier home that night who had no business being there, there might not be another trial at all. There and back is 1 1/2 football fields away. And still no license plate #. Five years later, thoughyeah, I can see him finally admitting it once the reality sunk in that Darlie was going to die if he didnt speak up. It has happened to me but thank god that when it did, it happened in todays world where the defense (if your lucky enough to get a decent one and not one who plays the numbers cases in the Harris County Judges fiefdom) was able to request dash and body cams as well as a retest of the supposed specimen they found in a car that wasnt mine in which an illegal search and seizure was conducted. I was always suspicious of that. There is only one English language with the meanings documented. Long time, no comment. Justic4Darlie. Exsanguination was not the cause of death for either boy; their bleeding was mostly internal, and the blood was confined to the areas in which they were attacked. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. All the very easy to understand and clearly displayed proof that the law had on her is what tells me and every other thinking human being that can look past theyre hate for conservatism and hate for the evil death penalty that she did absolutely without reasonable doubt kill those 2 poor babies! And police dont plea the 5thh while testimony. The blood clean up at the sink is what bothers me the most. I would like to know what you screens were done on her and the boys? This was a frenzied murder scene whether she did it or an intruder did it. I dont think Darlie knew about it and as a result is taking the fall. Tick Tock for Darin. Wow, with a description like that they should have tracked down that car within hours! Either way, why would anyone want to see someone loose their life? Of course she didnt get a license plate #. Of course she isnt going to admit it. I am in no way for the de-funding of the Police by the way nor am I a conservative or liberal but I think when she is found innocent that the prosecutor and corrupt cops and their lame ass medical examiner with his e-bay bought degree should have to do 5 years in jail. A trial that was moved to Killville, TX. Your daughter stood at the kitchen sink and stabbed and cut herself. Hope good finally prevails for her and the family she lost . Considering that Darin has a history of this kind of thing, its not a stretch at all to believe that he would resort to another scam when he needed quick cash. Makes me wonder why. Your nuts!! Start exposing the truth about Darin. They are not trained medical professionals . Book and verse Marlene please. She has steadfastly maintained her innocence. Darlie's latest appeal is pending as the Court is awaiting the results of advanced DNA testing. She herself sustained several injuries, including a slash across her throat that missed her carotid artery by just 2 millimeters. It couldnt be down by oneself. None of you people get it. You Tube should remove you. Although 85-J was compared to the fingerprints of the Routiers and first responders (with no match found) it has not been run through the national law enforcement database. Routiers lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, committed a lethal error by not putting on the stand two blood spatter experts who had been enlisted by the court-appointed attorneys who had worked the case before he was hired. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. So I dont anger other readers I will tell you that I am the daughter of an accomplished Judged who served his state for 20 years. I hear Dallas TX has had a lot of mistakes made with theyre screw UPS in just trying to get someone named to be the perpiture.. She is innocent!! I see you. Darlie thought she got away with it. I volunteer Jade for a pelvic exam performed by Ser Gregor Clegane. Darlie was planning on leaving Darin. But no one even looked at anyone but her. No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. How would a stranger know Darren was upstairs? The fact that families want to sit there, watch it and some walking away gloating shows they are just as barbaric in their thinking as those who killed their loved ones. the 911 tapes and then talk he he he with the investigators? I believe that seeing cases from the inside out for many years of my life gives me an ability to speak reasonably and responsibility on cases such as this one. There was a missing part to the jigsaw or a chapter missing in a book. Damon & Devon Routier - Unsolved Mysteries Damon & Devon Routier A mother is convicted of murdering her two young boys but she says the killer is still at large. They need to investigate Darin. It is painfully obvious the Dallas Police Officers decided Darlie killed her children in part because they could paint her as a floozy or as someone was/is guilty because her lifestyle differs from that of some jurors. I completely agree with you, she was railroaded. He explained the confab at the DAs office as a meeting about a number of issues that weve been discussing with the DAs office, some for a long time and some recently. DNA Status: There are a LOT of rumors circulating out there about issues related to the DNA testing. Psychopath. Did you see the bruises on her arms ? The jury never got to see the over whelming evidence against Darin, 11 months before Susan Smith killed her 2 sons this is why they said Darlie killed her boys.. What do some of you idiots think that every criminal is just dying to get caught. Disgusting bunch of idiots. Prior to singing and silly stringing graves these people had a prayer vigil. Victoria and others who suggest that we ascertain whether Darlie is truly guilty, necessarily imply a new trial a second chance most death row convicts would welcome. darlie routier dna results 2021, solawave troubleshooting, houston's . Im for the death penalty. But I didnt because I havent followed the case closely and thought I might have missed something! It was dropped. Are you stupid or something? Darlie Routier, 48, shared her account of what happened when her two sons, five and six, were stabbed to death in 1996 in a new documentary The two-hour 20/20 program is set to air on Friday Thinking she would not make it before the police actually got to the home. This is a case of a suicidal mother that a month prior with postpartum depression; wrote in a journal, to forgive her for What she was about to do. He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. Regardless the evidence will tell the truth and justice will prevail. I dont believe Darlie slumbered peacefully while her kids were butchered five feet away. Jeff Hamm: I was thinking the exact same thing. That apple didnt fall far from the tree. Darin was the suspect before Doug Mulder took over the case and after Darlies mother and Darin got involved the evidence against Darin just disappeared and he was no longer a suspect. And start eating your crow dinner! There are so many things Id like to say about this case, but it would take up too much space here. A deal was in fact made, and Darin was not implicated in the crime. 2mm more and she would of been dead. None .. he slit it to make it look good but he didnt want her to make it. LOOK JUST THE FACT OF LAUGHING AND ALL THAT OF THE STRINGS . . I think he found someone and it went south. An accurate transcript is an absolute must and I think on that one fact alone she deserved a new trial. They lied. No assistance could help Devon because he was DEAD. She needed to be criminally charged for what she did in that call. You should be asking yourself why the hell they refuse to investigate Darin Routier.

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