Grandma, you were such a kind and caring woman that had so many wonderful stories to tell. I had to read this twice because those would of been my words exactly. No longer in our life to share, but in our hearts, youre always there. They continue to live inside of you in your memories, and that you shall love them forevermore. peace. We were so blessed to have such an amazing dad like you. All that I know of you are happy memories that are told to me, and a little piece of my heart is forever with your family cause they hold what is left of you. You were the best grandmother a girl could have. I just mourn on my own and hurt on my own because there is no other way, Your email address will not be published. The earth had lost one of its angels on this day, and I cant help but grieve the loss of such a beautiful mind. I was an only child. And no one can ever replace him. My name is Adam one of my best friends Died from the chicken pox. Reposa in pace <3. She excelled in so many things, that she was not afraid to take a microphone and go on stage and sing without rehearsing. I will always miss you mom, Losing you was the hardest thing thats ever happened and all these years later it still hurts. Now I'm a women and each time I remember her, I just admire her much more for the extraordinary women and human being that she was, I will never see her again but I know she is my angel and protect me all the time, I hope she can see me and forgive me for not being be the best daughter when she was alive. It was heartbreaking, not a day goes by when I don't think about her. She died of an overdose after struggling with addiction for so long. This website is affiliated with Urns Northwest. It was learning to live without you, Because someone we love is in heaven theres a little bit of heaven in our home, While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil. And if it were me I don't think that I could carry on. I hope you are doing well in heaven, Mum. Im a horrible person I know. What is my reason to go on? I wish that I could have been here for my mom too, just one last time just to look at her and talk to and to hold her hand as she was taking her last breath. Heartache. One my friends took her own life around Christmas in grade 7. Today the 21st of July, 2019 marks 10 years since I lost my mom in a ghastly motor accident. I can relate to all the quotes, losing a child hurts deep in your soul. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Grief is love turned into an eternal missing. Dad, life has been tough, but you taught me one thing never give up. The loss of a loved one leaves us with an aching hole that never quite fills up. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Commemorate his passing with one of these touching father death anniversary quotes. Rest in peace, You never stop loving someone, you just learn to live without them. Thank you for showing me what the old-fashioned way was like. I do know one thing, our loved ones in spirit will and always be with you; closer than humanly thought possible. I can't believe it's been only 5 years since you left this world, and said goodbye. She has been gone for 30 years now and I still miss and need her very much. She will be missed dearly by everyone who knew her. Youll always be remembered fondly. Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. These death anniversary quotes for your brother will help you remember and commemorate your sibling and his memory. Your brother was a brother of mine as well, and on his death anniversary, I wish him good up in heaven. He was a senior and he was going to graduate with me but he is going to be missed. I lost my mother in May of 2019 from a massive heart attack here at home, and I wasn't here to help save her life. I always feel so lucky to have been your child. Pretty much everyone had a very high opinion of my friend. I know someday well be together again. 2 years ago today 10/17/12 I lost my oldest daughter Katelyn Marie to Leukemia at the young age of 22. Gone but never forgotten, miss you daddy <3, My great grandmother just recently passed away. In loving memory of my Father, who was the most honest, kindest and loving man I have ever known, may his soul forever be in peace. On this day, I cherish the virtuous life he/she has lived and the memories he/she has given us. Common Mistakes: the word "i" should be capitalized, "u" is not a word, and "im" is spelled "I'm" or "I am". I miss you. I pray that each one of us here will find comfort with love and support from our love ones that are still here with us. Not a day goes by I don't think of her. I have found it so easy to feel your presence this past year. I feel that there pain must be unbearable. I know it hurt you; It hurt me too, But now that you're gone All I know is I miss you. I came over this poem randomly, I was listening to really calm music, and I started crying, I just could not hold the tears. Thank you for coming into my life even if you couldn't stay long. I cry still whenever I think about her or something reminds me of her. It is tragic that he had to depart. I will never forget you. The fleeting nature of life means that your loved ones wont always be there for you. You had come into my life as a blessing, but I could not hold onto it for long. Dear Father, nothing can fill up the space you left behind in our hearts years ago. She lost her life on 7-16-13. She passed on when I needed her the most. Love you lots. Your parents love you more than anyone else in the world, once they are gone, nobody will ever love you like that again. I lost my only son, my youngest child, he was 16 my daughters lost their baby brother. My husbands best friend the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. You were a grandmother I could always count on for advice, a listening ear, and your wisdom. How do you stop the hurt?!!? I'm almost 17 now but there has not been a day I don't wish for her to be here with me to share my troubles and delights. Everywhere I go shes both in my broken heart and gone from my sight. My Grandma was a very special woman in my life, who inspired me to be a better person. In loving memories, you shall continue to stay with us forevermore. I lost my boyfriend and his death anniversary was not even acknowledged. These quotes are beautiful some days it gets me through and then theres days I just dont anything. I sat down and wrote a poem in her memory, ending it with Your Brothers and Sister. I would make you dinner and read you stories. I am lost for words. Even though she is no longer in this world; she will always stay alive in my fondest memories. Gone but never forgotten, So I'm a high school student at Modern Knowledge schools, and when I was in grade 11 we had an amazing speech and theater teacher who changed our lives in almost every aspect. Lost my wife of 25 years to Alzheimers on April 24. He was my husband. I will miss him so much and forever love him. Ive made some mistakes in my life, but the worst thing I ever did was hurting you and Grammy. There are no words for any loss. He past away on 12/29/12. To a wonderful father and special man gone but never forgotten, We will always remember our dad as the most special man in our lives. My God Can Do All Things? There were several times I wanted to pick up the phone and call and she wouldn't be there. He has been gone two years now. You helped more than youll ever know. When they pulled the curtains around your bed that day, it felt like the light had gone out of the room and a chill fell over my body. The day that you left Was the saddest of my life. Others like to use an anniversary to remember the passing of someone, perhaps visiting their grave and laying flowers. It still feels unreal that you are not around. and in my heart you're still near. Im trying to become someone youd be proud of. Love you and miss you every second. Today is 9 years since my mother died. It was a Sunday 15-09-13 and my dad was preparing to go to church. It is perfectly okay to admit youre not okay. I must have needed someone Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear. Unknown, Hope on her death anniversary and every day, the angels treat her well up in heaven. I will never forget you Katelyn Marie love you forever, Mom. Losing you is my biggest regret and I miss you every day. May the afterlife be kind to you. We all miss you more than words can say. This poem brought lots of tears to my eyes as my mom only died 3 days ago. All my plans were with her, and now that she is gone, what is left? You walk the floors at night, weeping because you miss hearing your loved one's voice. My world has been flipped ever since losing him, just irresponsible and despondent. I was the youngest child she was my best friend I just cant get over this it hurts ever day . Help us build the most popular collection of contemporary poetry on the internet! Grief never ends But it changes.Its a passage, not a place to stay.Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faithIt is the price of love. I miss you and love you with all my heart. I already miss you Grandma. my heart aches so much that I think I cant breathe. You were the most wonderful gift in my life. I think that I lost me for several years after that. The pain will never leave me alone, I swear. 1 year has passed since you left dear earth, but my heart is still wounded for you. Be informed. Rest in peace Udi mama , I can never forget you in my life. The most special people in our lives fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters etc. I lost a good friend 8 months ago. It feels like forever, and I never got to reply. I know it was a terrible accident, and I try not to blame anyone, but it's hard. Never. The challenge is to live our life so that we will be prepared for death when it comes Unknown, Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh Rossiter Worthington Raymond. Its hard enough going through grief, doing it totally alone makes is even harder, so these quotes bring me some peace. Thank you for sharing. I know the pain you're going through. Brother, I think about you a little more on your death anniversary every year. Like two ships passing in the night and not being able to communicate. Sometimes you can have a stronger connection with a friend than a sibling. Yeah, I just pretend to be all right among people in this indifferent world. Until one day he was sent to the hospital and within a few weeks went back to the states. I want you to know that I feel alone without you. Angel in the sky of mine, you're so bright you shine, don't ever lose that light, for I want to forever keep you in my sight. I cannot believe that I will never see him again. But those who do not have a peaceful conscience, dread death as though life means nothing but physical torment. I lost my cousin 5 months ago. Great-grandma I know that you are in heaven looking down on me, but I would love to know that youre here with me too. Still can't believe he is gone forever. I've never been the same" - Jennifer Ross 1 year to this day heaven gained a new angel and I lost my soulmate. Praying on your death anniversary that you are doing fine up there. i want to thank you. We hadn't quarreled at all, nothing. I would trade the world to see you once again, mom. We can never measure your loss but know that your friend was a great human being. Then it hits you so much harder than you ever thought it would. These messages are written to let someone know you are thinking of them on the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Do NOT submit poems here, instead go to the. in eight days from now, it will be ten years since that car accident. May God bless you and the rest of your family with his love and give you some type of comfort in your heart. My love, losing you was hard but living without you every day is the hardest. i found out my wife had been cheating on me a week before christmas last year. So commemorate their lives and remember them on the anniversary of their passing. May you rest peacefully in heaven. I love and miss him so much. Your heart is in pieces how do you explain?? I can't believe it's been so long since she passed away <3. We can only keep them in our hearts and memories. Thank God for my eldest sister being there for my mom and for trying to save her life by giving her CPR, but she didn't make it. Dear Grandma, I miss you every day. Hiral P. Patel, Remembering My Mother By I miss hearing you recollect memories from your childhood. Dad, I miss having you around- nothing feels right without you. Empty, heartbroken, angry, sad, lonely, regretful, defeated and most of all a sense of hopelessness. The next morning he would tell me that chance, was 0 now. Until we meet again, rest easy brother. I long to see you one last time and tell you how much I miss you She was the youngest of 8 children and was extremely close to her mum - her dad died when she was 9. God I miss her so much. Even though it has been that long, the pain is still there. I wrote the post and then I was [] Andrea Milstead. A month ago today my best friend (14) was killed in a car crash along with her mother. Our loved ones are gone and there is no guarantee of tomorrow. My heart goes out to all of those who post here. Not even a year yet.. Only 7 months ago I could talk to my best friend. She was my mom. i lost my auntie (mums younger sister) at 26 yrs of age, 3 years ago but it feels like yday everyday. and I've asked God time and time why you couldn't stay. I lost my son, my only child 6 months ago he had just turned 27. It's been the worst year of my life and NO, time does not heal everything! May God bless your soul. I often walk down memory lane, for I know I will run into you there. Unknown, Read Next: Uplifting Quotes for Those Who Grieve. When I was a little girl you said that I could be anything, but you would have been very proud of me now because I am a young woman who has accomplished many things. Dear Grandma, you left me and this world in the saddest way possible. Thank you, husband. Sadly missed along lifes way, quietly remembered every day. Honestly, I spent today missing you and that is probably how I will spend tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. His baby brother was taken last year. We cant even imagine life without you and it makes us sadder than words could ever describe because we have no idea how to live without you. The copyright of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors. The pain is still raw and the memories at their most vivid. You know how some people inspire you to become a better person. Your love lives on in each of us, and we will miss you forever. The pain I felt never went away I just learned to live with it, although did have a couple of bad years, my way of coping I suppose, but I never got to tell her how much I loved her and that is what hurts the most. Remembering my loving husband, who had shown me unconditional love and always treated me with kindness, may his soul rest in peace. she was my best auntie ever. The past year has been the longest, toughest and saddest 365 days for me as you were not by my side. Ive seen wives lose their husbands and the one who was married for one year is hurting just as much (sometimes more) as someone married for 30 years. Youre everywhere except right here and it hurts. My thought are with all people who have lost a loved one In 2013. Rest in peace, love and dreams. Ill never forget you. It's been weeks since his last blog post. Rip, we will meet again. If youve lost a Dad then these messages are perfect for remembering his life and how important he was to you and everyone he knew. Harder, so these quotes are beautiful some days it gets me through and then theres days I dont... Friend I just dont anything ] Andrea Milstead connection with a friend than a.. 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