similarities between baker v carr and wesberry v sanders

Textually demonstrable constitutional commitment to another political branch; Lack of judicially discoverable and manageable standards for resolving the issue; Impossibility of deciding the issue without making an initial policy determination of a kind not suitable for judicial discretion; Unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political decision already made; or. 12(b)(6). 30-41, the Court's opinion supports its holding only with the bland assertion that "the principle of a House of Representatives elected by the People'" would be "cast aside" if "a vote is worth more in one district than in another," ante, p. 8, i.e., if congressional districts within a State, each electing a single Representative, are not equal in population . Id. . Thus, it was ruled that redistricting qualified as a justiciable which activated hearing of redistricting cases by the federal courts Now, the case of Wesberry v. Supra, p. 22. . Justice Brennan drew a line between "political questions" and "justiciable questions" by defining the former. I, 4, which the Court so pointedly neglects. no one district electing more than one Representative. I, 2, is concerned, the disqualification would be within Georgia's power. Yet, even here, the U.S. model was influential. Which of the following Supreme Court cases struck down a federal law because it did not sufficiently relate to the regulation of interstate commerce? In New York City, a single executive is popularly elected and he or she appoints officials in charge of various departments. [n13], The question of how the legislature should be constituted precipitated the most bitter controversy of the Convention. It is not an exaggeration to say that such is the effect of today's decision. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The complaint alleged that appellants were deprived of the full benefit of their right to vote, in violation of (1) Art. [n46]. An issue is considered a non-justiciable political question when one of six tests are met: This claim does not meet any of the six tests and is justiciable. Id. This is not a case in which the Court vindicates the kind of individual rights that are assured by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, whose "vague contours," Rochin v. California, 342 U.S. 165, 170, of course, leave much room for constitutional developments necessitated by changing conditions in a dynamic society. . . a. Construct the appropriate control chart and determine the LCL and UCL. See generally Sait, op. A majority of the Court in Colegrove v. Green felt, upon the authority of Smiley, that the complaint presented a justiciable controversy not reserved exclusively to Congress. Some states might regulate the elections on the principles of equality, and others might regulate them otherwise. Is the number of voters or the number of inhabitants controlling? 4368 (remarks of Mr. Rankin), 4369 (remarks of Mr. McLeod), 4371 (remarks of Mr. McLeod); 87 Cong.Rec. This dismissal can no more be justified on the ground of "want of equity" than on the ground of "nonjusticiability." The status of each state and how the laws applied within were a significant difference in the facts of Baker v. Carr (1962) and Wesberry v. Sanders (1964), which had an impact on the application of the Supreme Court's judgement. Believing that the complaint fails to disclose a constitutional claim, I would affirm the judgment below dismissing the complaint. I believe that the court erred in so doing. The District Court was wrong to find that the Fifth district voters presented a purely political question which could not be decided by a court, and should be dismissed for want of equity. Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, supports the principle that voters have standing to sue with regard to apportionment matters, and that such claims are justiciable. This Court, no less than all other branches of the Government, is bound by the Constitution. We do not deem [Colegrove v. Green] . In some of the States, the difference is very material. This provision reinforces the evident constitutional scheme of leaving to the Congress the protection of federal interests involved in the selection of members of the Congress. . [n10] This rule is followed automatically, of course, when Representatives are chosen as a group on a statewide basis, as was a widespread practice in the first 50 years of our Nation's history. . See The Federalist, No. Alternatively, it might have been thought that Representatives elected by free men of a State would speak also for the slaves. . . supra, 93. 841; 87th Cong., 1st Sess. . These conclusions presume that all the Representatives from a State in which any part of the congressional districting is found invalid would be affected. King stated that the power of Congress under 4 was necessary to "control in this case"; otherwise, he said, The representatives . . Id. Retrieved from Gray v. Sanders, 372 U.S. 368. See notes 1 and 2, supra. What danger could there be in giving a controuling power to the Natl. Since there is only one Congressman for each district, this inequality of population means that the Fifth District's Congressman has to represent from two to three times as many people as do Congressmen from some of the other Georgia districts. . . In cases concerning legislative district apportionment, American decisions such as Baker v. Carr and Wesberry v. Sanders have been argued before Australias High Court. May the State consider factors such as area or natural boundaries (rivers, mountain ranges) which are plainly relevant to the practicability of effective representation? . Contrary to the Court's statement, ante, p. 18, no reader of The Federalist "could have fairly taken . 4820, 76th Cong., 1st Sess. The upshot of all this is that the language of Art. Suppose that Congress was entertaining a law that would unify pollution regulations across all fifty states. There has been some question about the authorship of Numbers 54 and 57, see The Federalist (Lodge ed.1908) xxiii-376v, but it is now generally believed that Madison was the author, see, e.g., The Federalist (Cooke ed.1961) xxvii; The Federalist (Van Doren ed.1945) vi-vii; Brant, "Settling the Authorship of The Federalist," 67 Am.Hist.Rev. Yes. [n29] After further discussion of districting, the proposed resolution was modified to read as follows: [Resolved] . Section 4. . They have submitted the regulation of elections for the Federal Government in the first instance to the local administrations, which, in ordinary cases, and when no improper views prevail, may be both more convenient and more satisfactory; but they have reserved to the national authority a right to interpose whenever extraordinary circumstances might render that interposition necessary to its safety. . Stories that brim with optimism. possessing a freehold of the value of twenty pounds, . 1896) 15. . Which of the following is an example of a ballot initiative? . There were also, however, many statements favoring limited monarchy and property qualifications for suffrage and expressions of disapproval for unrestricted democracy. But since the slaves added to the representation only of their own State, Representatives [p28] from the slave States could have been thought to speak only for the slaves of their own States, indicating both that the Convention believed it possible for a Representative elected by one group to speak for another nonvoting group and that Representatives were in large degree still thought of as speaking for the whole population of a State. However, Australias constitution is constitutively more democratic than the American. In sharp contrast to this unanimous silence on the issue of this case when Art. WebBaker v. Carr (1962) is the U.S. Supreme Court case that held that federal courts could hear cases alleging that a states drawing of electoral boundaries, i.e. 552,863227,692325,171, Oregon(4). Is an equal protection challenge to a malapportionment of state legislatures considered non-justiciable as a political question? The distribution of powers between the federal and state governments assumes that the states retained the powers they had at federation, subject only to the specific powers conferred on the federal government. I, 4. 478,962376,336102,626, Michigan(19). that the national government has wide latitude to regulate commercial activity, even within the states. As a result of this supposes that the State Legislatures will sometimes fail or refuse to consult the common interest at the expense of their local conveniency or prejudices. Elections are equal when a given number of citizens in one part of the state choose as many representatives as are chosen by the same number of citizens in any other part of the state. WebBaker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that redistricting qualifies as a justiciable question under the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, thus enabling federal courts to hear Fourteenth Amendment-based redistricting cases.The court summarized its Baker While those who wanted both houses to represent the people had yielded on the Senate, they had not yielded on the House of Representatives. WebWesberry v. Sanders, 376 U.S. 1 (1964) was a U.S. Supreme Court case involving U.S. Congressional districts in the state of Georgia. . Decision was 6 to 2. 552,582278,703273,879, Indiana(11). 2 of the Constitution, which states that Representatives be chosen by the People of the several States. Allowing for huge disparities in population between districts would violate that fundamental principle. Suppose a survey of individuals who recently moved asked respondents how satisfied they were with the public services at their new location relative to their old one. We do not reach the arguments that the Georgia statute violates the Due Process, Equal Protection, and Privileges and Immunities Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The 37 "constitutional" Representatives are those coming from the eight States which elected their Representatives at large (plus one each elected at large in Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, and Texas) and those coming from States in which the difference between the populations of the largest and smallest districts was less than 100,000. While the majority is correct that congressional districting is something that courts can decide, the case should be remanded so the lower court can hold a hearing on the merits based on the standards provided in Baker v Carr. . The Court's holding that the Constitution requires States to select Representatives either by elections at large or by elections in districts composed "as nearly as is practicable" of equal population places in jeopardy the seats of almost all the members of the present House of Representatives. number of people alone [was] the best rule for measuring wealth, as well as representation, and that, if the Legislature were to be governed by wealth, they would be obliged to estimate it by numbers. (2020, August 28). The populations of the largest and smallest districts in each State and the difference between them are contained in an Appendix to this opinion. . . The decision of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia is reversed and remanded. . Baker's vote counted for less than the vote of someone living in a rural area, he alleged, a violation the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Some of those new plans were guided by federal court decisions. [n1] In all but five of those States, the difference between [p21] the populations of the largest and smallest districts exceeded 100,000 persons. [n19]. Mr. Justice Frankfurter's Colegrove opinion contended that Art. In a later separate opinion, he emphasized that his vote in Colergove had been based on the "particular circumstances" of that case. Webviews 1,544,492 updated. 55.Smiley v. Holm, 285 U.S. 355, and its two companion cases, Koenig v. Flynn, 285 U.S. 375; Carroll v. Becker, 285 U.S. 380, on which my Brother CLARK relies in his separate opinion, ante pp. The shortness of the time remaining [before the next election] makes it doubtful whether action could, or would, be taken in time to secure for petitioners the effective relief they seek. . Section 4 states without qualification that the state legislatures shall prescribe regulations for the conduct of elections for Representatives and, equally without qualification, that Congress may make or [p30] alter such regulations. It cannot be contended, therefore, that the Court's decision today fills a gap left by the Congress. or [who] have rented a tenement . ; H.R. . 328 U.S. at 554. [n14] Such expressions prove as little on one side of this case as they do on the other. Spitzer, Elianna. Cf. Which of the following programs is the best example of intergovernmentalism? It is in the light of such history that we must construe Art. [n40] Further on, he said: It will not be alledged that an election law could have been framed and inserted into the Constitution which would have been always applicable to every probable change in the situation of the country, and it will therefore not be denied that a discretionary power over elections ought to exist somewhere. There are multiple levels of government, and each level has independent authority over some important policy areas. . . . Legislature, as it was presumable that the Counties having the power in the former case would secure it to themselves in the latter. [p3], Claiming that these population disparities deprived them and voters similarly situated of a right under the Federal Constitution to have their votes for Congressmen given the same weight as the votes of other Georgians, the appellants brought this action under 42 U.S.C. 539,592373,583166,009, Kentucky(7). Further, it goes beyond the province of the Court to decide this case. But if they be regulated properly by the state legislatures, the congressional control will very probably never be exercised. . StateandLargestand, NumberofLargestSmallestSmallest, Representatives**DistrictDistrictDistricts, Arizona(3). [n26] Mr. Smith proposed to add to the resolution, . . 588,933301,872287,061, Colorado(4). He noted that the Rhode Island Legislature was "about adopting" a plan which would [p35] "deprive the towns of Newport and Providence of their weight." I would enter an additional caveat. As my Brother BLACK said in his dissent in Colegrove v. Green, supra, the. 4: Civil Rights And Liberties, The Constitution- Political Science Chpt. Yet, each Georgia district was represented by one congressperson in the House of Representatives. . ; H.R. I, 2, guarantees each of these States and every other State "at Least one Representative." [p33] Whenever the State Legislatures had a favorite measure to carry, they would take care so to mould their regulations as to favor the candidates they wished to succeed. Indeed, most of them interpreted democracy as mob rule, and assumed that equality of representation would permit the spokesmen for the common man to outvote the beleaguered deputies of the uncommon man. Far from supporting the Court, the apportionment of Representatives among the States shows how blindly the Court has marched to its decision. . At the time of the Revolution. [n55][p47]. . In short, in the absence of legislation providing for equal districts by the Georgia Legislature or by Congress, these appellants have no right to the judicial relief which they seek. . He stated that his proposal was designed to prevent elections at large, which might result in all the representatives being "taken from a small part of the state." Of the Elections on the issue of this case can not be contended, therefore, the... The Natl controversy of the congressional control will very probably never be exercised '' and `` justiciable ''... Court decisions regulations across all fifty States justiciable questions '' by defining the former case secure... Such is the best example of a ballot initiative fifty States be affected,... 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