antony kidman child

I started the conversation by saying I was special. Hillsong church was founded by pedophile Frank Houston for the sole purpose of procuring child trafficking victims and produce kiddie porn snuff films. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. Some members get off on raping and murdering kids, but not all. [1] They had two daughters: Academy Award -winning actress Nicole Kidman (born 1967) and journalist and television presenter Antonia Kidman (born 1970). The court Jews that served the British Monarchy, including the Rothschilds, managed the money made from this heroin trafficking operation. So why do the OTO feel it necessary to warn their members not to publicly perform ritual blood sacrifice? If the person has power, authority and or money, they usually get away with it. According to US military documents, candidates for the Gateway Process required high intelligence, imagination and creativity the very characteristics CIA psychologist John Gittinger assessed me for. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout . Paul Wilsons wife Robyn Lincoln, also a Bond University lecturer, was on the advisory board of Bravehearts, a fake child abuse victim advocacy group which targets victims of VIP child abuse for silencing. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. Her grandfather was Antony Kidman, the late . 3. Antony Kidman heading to Singapore, dying etc after her making allegations a month earlier about him isnt sufficient, its only based on peoples suspicion. This panel included John Gittinger, Antony Kidman, and Grande Dame Patricia Anne Conlon. These included Alfred Hammer who chaired the APS in the 60s when MK-ULTRA began, and Bond Universitys first professor of psychology Bob Montgomery who conducted unethical experiments at LaTrobe University in Melbourne in the 1970s, which left participants permanently traumatised. I have documented these, and even obtained photos of the military looking thug who chased me about Sydney when I tried to make police witness statements. Place yourself under God's authority and order, and all will be restored. Doubt that is desirable. Nicole Kidman's biochemist father, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in 2014 at age 75 after suffering a fall. Ask why? After Paul Wilson was publicly exposed as a pedophile, Terry Goldsworthy, a Queensland Police officer, took over Paul Wilsons position as head of criminology at Bond University plus Robyn Lincolns advisory board role at Bravehearts. But they say our voice is our conviction. There Gittinger asked me if I like to be special, and he promised to make me special. I will now mention the two most abhorrent and famous criminal cases in Australian history. The lab at the time of Kidman's work was run by Dr. Erminio Costa, who made critical discoveries regarding the effect of LSD on the human brain. Les Murphy attended Daruk Boys Home where boys were prostituted by staff to VIP pedophiles and used for MK-ULTRA experiments including Subproject 74: the psychological effects of circumcision. A considerable number of these are victims of what I endured CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and CIA mind control. Lucas Heights nuclear reactor is a 20-story underground research facility that was connected via underground tunnel to another (7-story) underground research facility at Holsworthy Army Base. Frank's church fronts were the source of children to be exploited for sex, producing child rape material and experimented on. With the Catholic Church under siege, Pope Francis is showing his true evil paedophile colours to the world. Have you not know how *DEEPLY INVOLVED* the CIA has been involved EVERYWHERE??!! Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophileringactivities that I witnessed as achild, she continued. Roman Catholicism stems from Mithraism, the ancient Luciferian cult in which male priests were married to boy brides (alter boys), and temple prostitutes (nuns) bore children to the priests for ritual murder on key ritual dates. Surely had enough opportunity. It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico. That is why Gittinger tested me at age 5 years using the Stanford Binet LM and the Block Design subtest of the Weschler series, the best measures of visual-spatial IQ. They carried rifles and had a pack of starving Doberman dogs. BLESSINHS FTOM ONE MESSED UP BATTLEGROUND STATE OF WISCONSIN! Having been to Pergamum, I can attest to this. All top Australian military brass were Luciferians. I bring your attention to a January 14, 1953, memo entitled Interrogation techniques which states: Antonia Kidman (born 14 July 1970) is an Australian journalist and TV presenter, and the younger sister of the actress, Nicole Kidman . 6262. Leonas Petrauskas was a close associate of my Lithuanian grandmother Helen Holowczak. The CIA funded Baileys MK-ULTRA deep sleep project at the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital in Sydney. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. The way I have been treated for daring to speak up about my child abuse, and for taking a pro-victim stance against Luciferian pedophiles, has been far worse than my original abuse. 15/8/20 - Episode 21- Globalists Down Under (Fiona Barnett, Kidman Family and Australian Elite) "Antony Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child," quoted by 'Candy Girl' Fiona Barnett, who stepped up to expose the elite and occult in Australia. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. It was about the second or third hill that the hunting party reached us. Somehow I know it to be true. Numerous Nazi war criminals settled in an area south of Sydney which ran from the Sutherland Shire to Wollongong. Hopefully there are some patient and mature Christians in Hillsong that work to bring babes to maturity. Holsworthy military consultant anaesthetist Colonel John Overton (who was Antony Kidmans next-door neighbour), and celebrated heart transplant surgeon Dr Victor Chang graduated in the same medicine class together in 1962. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this. In 1963-4, Wendy Thorn was involved in hypnosis research with MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 Dr Frederick Evans. During the 1950s, the CIA funded John Lillys development of the sensory deprivation tank, and his research into brain waves and altered states of consciousness. I anticipate that news of Kidmans death may have a serious impact on these victims. Its another form of crucifixion this time its the RCC itself. Flashback 8 years ago- "a little ray of sunshine in the shape of a girl" Happy 8th birthday Sunny!!!! A hypnosis expert and self-confessed CIA operative, George Estabrooks once boasted: May Our Father in heaven bless and keep you! Patricia Ann Conlon easily transitioned to work for the CIA where she assisted in the selection and training of MK-ULTRA child victims. Many of these victims were child sex trafficked through Hillsong church. I stem from one of the 300 bloodlines via my biological paternal grandparents not the Holowczaks, who had the IQ of a toilet block, and so resented my heritage and status within the cult. My training was completed in the USA at age 14 years, byLieutenant ColonelMichael Aquino, in a special laboratory established at Dulce underground base. Show Notes. My clueless mother told me I was telling fibs, and so I abandoned this attempt. The Fulbright program was a CIA scheme for recruiting and training MK-ULTRA scientists and spreading MK-ULTRA know how. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. 20 years ago, I worked as a parole officer. Leonard G. H. Huxley served as Vice-Chancellor of ANU from 1960 to 1967. Indeed, the most fundamental MK-ULTRA programming levels (i.e., Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega and Theta) are laid via LSD trips in a sensory deprivation tank. Thats something you wouldnt read in your local football club handbook. This is desecration of Jesus Christ, it is Satanism in plain sight! The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a mans personality, or creating multi-personality, with the aid of hypnotism This is not science fiction I have done it.. I bring your attention to a US military document approved for release by the CIA in 2010. I would lean to the potential of this being true, but could not say with certainty. Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett Calling Out A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event, Old Weekly Ascension Meditation Instructions, Grid Work: Delivering Light to a Sacred Site Near You, The Prepare For Change Community Leaders Brief, Join Sisterhood of the Rose and Newsletter Sign-up, The Goddess Vortex and Transmuting All Darkness, Depopulation as Public Policy: A Rationale for Vaccines, GMO, Poisoned Food and Cancer Misinformation, The Many Dangers And Effects Of Vaccines For Dummies, Holistic Cancer Treatments What The Doctors Wont Tell you, Dangers Of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) Links and Information. Understandably with such incredible claims, could a call not have been put out to survivors like a class action type situation. But I forever recalled the incident in my conscious mind. When drunk, it gives the blood drinker a drug induced high and sexually arouses them. It led to the HSBC bank losing its licence to operate in the USA. I will give you an example. To protect wealthy pedophiles. the content you have visited before. This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult, and to the memory of over 50,800 missingchildren, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked massgravesites that have been refused excavation across Canada, Ireland and Spain. The website also added: Barnett revealed that the Australian Royal Commission into Child S*xual Abuse was in the process of investigating Antony. EXPOSE THE EVIL, TELL ONES TRUTH ,& SAVE OUR CHILDREN!! He was 5 feet 7 inches, i.e., 1.7018 meters. ASOPA was a cover for MK-ULTRA activity, weaponised anthropology, and MK-NAOMI bio-weapons research conducted in Papua, New Guinea. You have entered an incorrect email address! They carried Slavic, Germanic, or Anglicised versions of their former, surnames. Bob Montgomery also lectured at ANU. The coroners report ruled the death suicide. As of today, only Kim Kardashian has condemned Balenciagas controversial campaign. eventually. Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons: 1. I have questions, is all. The only mediator between man and God is Jesus Christ. Women with blonde or red hair were candidates, and this related to the appearance of the Aryans / Pleiadians that (as the history well books document) the Nazis aspired to. Kidman married Janelle Glenny, then a student nurse, in 1963. Nicole Kidman was 11 years old and present, sitting in the front row, during this murder. Thats keeping it real!, I am nothing without the love of my family , A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on May 29, 2019 at 2:51pm PDT. Dr. Kidman was a clinical psychologist at the University of Technology, Sydney. We love you, the proud dad gushed. Kylie was in a senior administrative position within theABC broadcasting networkin 2015, when theABC TVshowMedia Watchpublicly attacked me for speaking to a press conference about my child trafficking experiences. My father, who has complex PTSD and DID, once told my relatives: Everything Fiona says about the Satanists is true, but we just dont tell her, for her own good.. He was also involved in the clean up and disposal of bodies following Luciferian ritual crimes. Now one month following my notification against Kidman, he is dead. MK-ULTRA subprojects were conducted in most Australian hospitals, universities and research facilities throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. Because when you read how outlandish her entire story sounds, they neednt bother, as it will remain on the fringes and confined to alternative news sites while she is considered a kook, without decent proof of her extensive claims. In fact, HSBC was in recent years fined by USA authorities for still engaging in drug money laundering. The website stated that the cult organized secretive human hunting parties that included p*dophilia. I have read a bit about Sunday Reed and her husband John. who really wrote brenda got a baby. My memories of Luciferianism immediately flooded my conscious mind in the form of sudden onset vertigo and PTSD flashbacks, after Peter Holowczak was found hanged to death at Easter, 1991. I am a devout Roman Catholic and very familiar with what you write here. Kennith Copeland immaturity and the like. This training included esoteric knowledge and skills and employed trauma-based mind control techniques. KU #ACMawards, Keith Urban (@KeithUrban) April 2, 2017, Shortly after Sunday was born, Kidman gave fans a sneak peek of the little girl during an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Nicole Kidman's father Dr Antony Kidman dies after tragic accident in Singapore. Huxley was appointed to the board for the 1960 period and was also on the board of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which also conducted MK-ULTRA research), with Richard Casey as the Executive. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! There is no such thing as the Jesuit Brothers. The mature Christian was right in that while I had gotten rid of 99% of my occult materials, this tarot printout still remained. May God intercede for justice sake and restore your wounded psyche as he did mine. Most big websites do this too. Flashback 7 years ago a little ray of sunshine in the shape of a girl. Happy 8th birthday Sunny!!!! The Silence speaks volumes. Since I appeared before the Royal Commission several years ago, I have been contacted by hundreds and hundreds of child abuse victims. Psychology professor John Sutcliffe led a research group that included fellow psychology professor Alfred Gordon Hammer and psychology students Frederick Evans, Peter Sheehan, Campbell Perry, and Wendy Walker. Because it hideously torments Satan of his eternal guilt and loss of great station in heaven. Sutcliffes study considered whether multiple personality disorder stems from hypnotic suggestion, and if degrees of proneness to multiple personality are predictive of degrees of hypnotisability. MK-ULTRA mind control involved using unethical hypnosis to dissociate the mind and result in multiple personality disorder or DID. Gittinger trained Antony Kidman in MK-ULTRA mind control methods and directly supervised the MK-ULTRA techniques perpetrated against me. That incident taught me not to talk about the Luciferian cult I was raised in. My final point is this:ALLmajor crime within Australia stems from the single integrated world trafficking operation that I have described. One of the guys in my school, who would steal cars, hung out with the Murphy Brothers. The Murphy brothers lived in a house up the street from me in Binning St, just before Elliot Avenue. News of Kidmans death impacted me, someone who has undergone intense treatment. ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly. Thats my baby; thats her sleeping, she said of a black-and-white snapshot. Most of my perpetrators were raised Catholic, and many associated with the Catholic colleges located at Sydney University, particularly Patricia Ann Conlon who lived at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University. Satan wants the RCC obliterated from history and the face of this earth! Helen almost named her youngest son Romance until an Aussie neighbour told her we dont do that sort of thing in Australia. Thanks Fiona. Following training, my unit and I were deployed to South America where the CIA were conducting operations against so-called communist governments. I had only been at the office 3 months and was disgusted by Catherine Hands mistreatment of existing staff; so, I declined her offer by saying, Im not management material. The following day, I lodged a formal complaint against Catherine Hand for her mistreatment of staff. Beginning with Subproject 84, the University of Sydney became a major centre for MK-ULTRA hypnosis research during the early 1960s. At the very top sit13 family dynastiesincluding theRothschildsand theBritish Royal Family. If everyone got their heads out of stupid reality (wtf) tv (another form of mind control) and actually started to think outside their pathetic little squares, eventually the Evil ones that exist, walking amongst us every single day could be further exposed and eradicated. Dr. Antony Kidman was in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which Dr. Joel Elkes had helped to create. Youll be vindicated, Sonia, its just a matter of time. Chang was a CIA asset with training in brainwashing and torture techniques. Disgusts me that so many people were involved and chose to participate in acts so vile Can someone direct me to more info in regards to the actual trafficking of children allegations? I was trying to tell my mother what the cult did to me. Antony David Kidman AM (10 December 1938 - 12 September 2014) was an Australian psychologist and academic. Soon after her accusations were made public, Dr. Kidman suddenly died. Luciferians worship various ancient pagan gods including Lucifer, Molech, Baal, Dagon, Imhotep, Horus, Isis, Anubis, and Seth. Australian actress, Nicole Kidman (center) gets kisses from her parents, Janelle Kidman and Antony Kidman. Major Louis J. But the impact of indoctrination is reinforced by fear of the consequences of betraying or exposing the cult. She was currently receiving CIA funding via the Studies in Hypnosis Project that was directed by Martin Orne. Sybella Hawley was born in 2007 and was the last child of Antonia with Angus. An amendment: extraordinary evidence is too high a burden of proof to expect, considering courts have eased the requirements as getting convictions is difficult in such cases and because the events happened so long ago. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. Fiona, if you play your cards right, you will go far in management. Catherine Hand informed me that a pottery lecturer from the Queensland College of Art (where she and I had both graduated from) was also a member of her coven.. Fiona Barnett, thank you for bearing your testimony and recording your statement for akashic records. Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. I died, was revived, and awoke in Sutherland hospital, surrounded by concerned medical staff. The truth is out Fiona Most of them also went on to serve on the False Memory Foundation Board, a CIA entity founded by MK-ULTRA perpetrators and pedophiles to discredit the victim accounts of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and MK-ULTRA mind control. My complaints last month to the AustralianChildAbuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault Barnett said. Antony Kidman returned to Australia in 1972 after years of work at St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington DC, in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which was involved with LSD research and served as a hub of the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program. Certainly the Anita Cobby information was true because i can remember hearing the details but they were quickly hushed up and never spoken of again by the media. Dope Inc authors found that drug trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation, from your cartels down to the person who sells drugs to junkies on the street corner. This is not surprising, considering James Wood was named by victim Dean Henry and others to the current federal Child Abuse Royal Commission as a member of the very pedophile ring he was employed to investigate. Children are tested at age 3 for whether they should be raised with conscious or dissociated awareness of their cult involvement. It appearedchildrenand teens were obtained by the criminal drugsyndicateOctopus, which was believed connected to the Vatican. It had to be the old church with priests formed in the original old teachings and prayers (See FSSP or ICKSP). Thank you for your huge contribution to the shift. Youve gotta love a girl who speaks her mind! To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Kidman and Urban's children, six-year-old Sunday Rose (goes by Sunny) and four-year-old Faith (goes by Fifi), are at school. I was raped byReverendBilly Grahamin a pink bubble themed cabin at Bohemian Grove. Since the tender age of three Barnett had been trapped insideAustralias vast pedophile networkwherechildrenwere sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. Singapore: The father of actress Nicole Kidman died in Singapore on Friday, a source told AFP, with Australian media saying he had fallen while visiting the Oscar winner's sister. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. 1. I went upstairs to my room and searched through my desk. I was handed over to the CIA child trafficking network by my paternal grandparents, Helen and Peter Holowczak, who resided at 14 McAlister Ave, Engadine, a suburb located in the Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney. I think she got my fair skin and thats about it. Kidman even admitted she playfully refers to Sunday as Keith-ette., Ten years ago today our little girl came into the world You are our joy Sunday Rose. Oh my God I cant believe this was going on right under our noses. Twitter user @_butterfly_Z claimed that the Big Little Lies stars father was part of: Twitter user @MarkieBalentin1 also alleged that the actress and her father were linked to an international p*dophilia cult.. It was renamed the Antony Kidman Foundation after his death. TV show. Most of my key perpetrators attended Sydney University together, at a time when Sydney University was both the centre of MK-ULTRA research plus the national headquarters of the OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis). In 1717 the first masonic lodges were organized for the fundamental cause to overthrow God's Kingdom on earth and replace it with their Satanic "New World Order.". Ago- `` a little ray of sunshine in the front row, during this.! Australian history byReverendBilly Grahamin a pink bubble themed cabin at Bohemian Grove Romance until an Aussie told... Off on raping and murdering kids, but not all deep sleep project at the of... It led to the potential of this earth most abhorrent and famous criminal cases in Australian history data. Victims of what I endured CIA child trafficking victims and produce kiddie porn snuff films supervised the MK-ULTRA techniques against! 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